
I have a for day old puppies and one will not feed from its mom what do i do?

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I have a for day old puppies and one will not feed from its mom what do i do?




  1. They sell formula for puppys that will not drink from there mother at your local pet store.hurry and get some. =)

  2. puppies that dont nurse, are SICK. They have something wrong. several things can be a factor.There suck reflex is bad (genetic disorders or cleft pallets), they have pneumonia, upper resp, or they have a neurological disorder. Its instinct in pups to constantly nurse as much and as often as the female allows. So one not feeding is a serious sign there is something wrong. Get to the vet soon. A pup should never go with out eating for long.

    TO THOSE TELLING HER TO HAND FEED IT: this dog needs to be looked at and ok by a vet before hand feeding. It would be a waste of her time and emotion if she spent every 3 hours feeding and cleaning this pup only to have it die on her for a sickness that could have been prevented. Pneumonia and upper resp are all infectious and they could spread to the other puppies. She needs them checked first.

  3. See if it will feed from you?

  4. im sure he is eating, u just cant be there all the time and u cant see it.dont wory, the pup will find a way to his mommy, but u must check that by sitting there for at least 5 - 6 hours.and then worry is the pup i really not eating.but be careful, dont touch the puppy too much.mother can reject him.if some other pups r eating all the time and if u r sure which container has milk, put that little shy  puppy on that spot.she will sent her brother or just feel the spot it worm and maybe she will start to eat

  5. trying feeding it real cows milk or regular milk or by its self

  6. feed it from a bottle the puppy u were talking about is the runt most likely to die soon but if lives it will be the better dog to have cuase it's not the allfa dog so he will listen also call your vet to get the formula.

  7. At least CALL the vet

  8. You will need to feed it yourself.  Take it to the vet and ask what you should be doing for it.  The mother feels like it isn't going to survive so she won't waste her energy on it.

  9. We raise dachsund puppies. The last litters runt, noopy, was too small and the mother didnt want to bother with him.  We just fed him from a bottle. the vet gaev us a baby bottle pretty much and i acnt remember is he gave us specific milk or what but yah yuo should definately go see your vet about it.  

  10. Have they all been to the vets? The puppies and mother should go to the vets within 48 hours of being born. You'll need to call up your vet and he/she will give you the best info. You'll need to buy a puppy formula and regularly feed [approx. every 2 hours - including night times] the puppy.


    You are going to have to hand feed it with a large dropper, supplements are important too. Call you vet, here are some links about for a little research.

  12. try opening the puppies mouth and placing it on the nipple, gently hold the puppy there and see if it begins to feed. it may be to small and being push from the nipple or not being able to reach.

    You can buy animalac from any vet it is a puppy formular which you bottle feed the puppy; it will require feeding every four hours

  13. Take it to the vet.

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