
I have a formula question?

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My daughter is 4 1/2 months. She is currently on Similac Sensitive. I looked at Walmart at their Parent Choice brand & they have one comparable to Similac's. I believe there is a small amt more of water in the Parent Choice Brand but less of something else but I forget exactly what. This is for powdered formula by the way. It's wayyyy cheaper than Similac though & I was wondering if I should ask my daughter's doc abt switching? Anyone have any pros or cons on the matter?





  1. I just started weaning my 5 month old from breastfeeding.  at the docs, I asked her about the Walmart Brand.  She said that it basically contained everything that the name brand formulas have, but there is only one catch.  She said that the Walmart Brand's formula doesn't have a great review for their sensitive formula, in case your baby needs it.  So I ended up going with enfamil Gentlease, because my baby was collicky.  You may just have to get with your doc and just figure out whats best for you and your little one.  Good luck!!

  2. I was using Enfamil for my baby boy (he's 3 months now), and had the same question as you did if the more expensive formula was the same.  Well I compared the Parents Choice formula to the Enfamil and Similac and they are just about the same.  The only difference is that the powder looks a little different.  If you really want to try it just go to Walmart and get one of their little cans of the formula, then if it doesn't work you wont waste a big can of formula.  Another thing you could do is go to the Parents Choice website and request a free sample.  I have tried to do this twice and still haven't received anything but you may have better luck.

  3. well, asking your doctor first is definitely a good idea. however, your baby might need time readjusting to the new formula, and her body could or could not like it. plus, with the different ingredients, her body could be getting too much or too little of what she needs. ask your doctor, and he'll tell you what is right.

  4. Ask your daughter's doctor, but I personally wouldn't do it.  It's cheaper, yeah, but how much do you really spend a week on formula for your daughter?  In my opinion, it's worth it to know you're getting the best (after breast milk) nutrition for your child.

    The difference in price is not just the name.  It's not like store brands of toilet paper or salad dressing.  It's not like Similac packages their formula for Wal Mart for a cheaper price.  The formula itself is different.

    And, I'm with Baba Booey.  I wouldn't shop at WalMart for anything, let alone baby formula.

    Edit:  I really don't think $100 a month is alot of money to feed your child for a month.

  5. You should ask your pediatrician before switching formula.  It isn't good to switch a lot, but once should be ok as long as the pediatrician gives the ok.

  6. i know sams club and costco have generic brands; we were using enfamil lipil and sams club has a line that has EXACTLY the same nutrients in the same amts...and i am a RN so i looked carefully!! she had no trouble switching to it as she had had earlier when we switched her from the similac at the hosp to the enfamil iwanted her on...course if i had known, i would have taken the enfamil to the hospital....anyways, if u can find  a generic brand that works, go for it, it is MUCH cheaper and all formulas are regulated closely by the government.....

  7. I would definately as my doctor if I were you. My son has been on Similac Alimentum since he was 3 months old and he is now almost a year old! So at 27.00 a can I know where you are coming from. Unfortunately they don't make an off brand for the Alimentum.. but if the ingredients are mostly the same I think it should be fine. With Doctor approval of course!

  8. I don't think you should ever just change your baby's formula without your Dr.knowing about it.

  9. well im on WIC and i was living in florida when i had my son and he was on goodstart at first and then i moved to pennsylvaniaand they offer similac and the kind of formula they give him is i guess similar to the goodstart he was on but switching the brands made him spit up alot and then eventualy he got used to it just ask the doc before you do

  10. I would say go for it! Most formulas are similar, I don't believe the Wal-Mart brand would be poor quality. I have used several items of their brand and for the most part it's just as good as a more expensive brand. I've never tried their formula on my babies, but if it saves you money and she thrives on it, it's fine! Don't let people make you think you aren't doing the "best" for your baby by not buying the most expensive brand--that's not true!! And you'll have extra money to spend on her in the long run!

  11. When our daughter started to use more formula than what WIC gave us, we used the Parent's Choice brand that was the equivalent to the Similac brand we were using.  We never had any problems with it.  It's still best to bring it up with her doctor, but I can't honestly see it being a problem.  The difference in the price is the name, not the ingredients.

  12. It can't hurt to ask.  I surely would.   It's very costly.  A friend of mine switched from Similac to the Target brand and says he actually does better.  She brought in both to the doc and he said there was little difference between them. Good luck

  13. I would talk to your doctor about it When my daughter was born i had to try different formula and my doctor said that most formula are the same its just the name.  At least that's what she said about similac and enfimil.  So my advice is to talk to your doctor I am sure it would be alright. or do what yo feel is best you know what best for your child .

  14. I started on the Similac as well and had to switch to another brand because it was cheaper. It's okay to switch brands as long as you don't keep switching them up. You poor babies tummy will get confused. My friend, who is paranoid about brands of baby products, likes the parents choice a lot. I say switch. God knows we need to save all the money when can now and days.

  15. I am not preaching, but why did you stop breastfeeding, that is free and always ready on the spot!

  16. Yes, I would for sure ask your daughter's doc about switching before hand.  For myself, I would stick with a brand more widely known and renowned for its quality, especially when it comes to my daughter's food.  If you're looking to cut back expenses perhaps less expensive diapers, creams and other less important items?  It is your choice after all, I'm sure the other brands are all fine as well or we would be hearing about lawsuits... but for me I would prefer a trusted name brand.  Whatever you choose, I would recommend staying in the powders... I just found out that the can formula contain BPA! (I'm probably behind the times there a little on that one, but I only started looking into formula myself as I am considering discontinuing with breastfeeding).  Hopefully the sky won't open up and lightening bolts strike me down for saying that! lol  Good luck! =)

  17. I don't know i made sure to keep my kids on one formula.

    I just didn't like the idea of switching them.  

  18. i wouldn't trust anything made by walmart.

    edit: just want to add that at least these other companies are dedicated to making formula and specialize in it, walmart specializes in selling the cheapest quality product they can put out there (this goes for most of their products, they also have a history of failing to provide insurance coverage for their employees), do you think this is a company that wants to make the best formula for your child?  think about it.

    i am not trying to put you down in any way, i am simply making a statement about my opinion of walmart.  take it or leave it.  good luck

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