We tried keeping the bedroom door closed, but the door does not go down all the way -- there is a gap large enough for him to squeeze through; we tried putting down a towel to block the gap, but he can push through -- and we want to put anything heavier down there because we do have small children and they should be able to get into our room if they need to. I don't mind him wanting to sleep in our room, it's just that he jumps around on the bed wanting to play. And we do play with him A LOT during the day.
My mom suggests keeping him in the bathroom (with litter box, food, water, blanket, and stuffed animal) until he's older and bigger -- so he won't fit under the door or until he's more mellow.
So, my question is: Does anyone have any suggestions about training him to stay off the bed to play at night? Is it 'mean' to put him in the bathroom, or do you have any other comments? Suggestions?