
I have a four year old fabulous daughter, how can i get her into the Disney channel?

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I have a four year old fabulous daughter, how can i get her into the Disney channel?




  1. my little girl is 2 and her best friend is 3 they cant stand the disney channel they love Noggin, Nick Jr and regular nickelodeon. Hey if your daughter doesnt like it I wouldnt force her into watching it.Shes her own person and will develop a taste for whatever she desires. Shes still young, give her a couple more years and then the disney channel might be her fav!!!! I personally think for a 4 year old the disney channel has too many "older kids" shows.

  2. no offence, but if your daughter is four she shouldn't be watching the Disney Channel. She should be watching playhouse disney.

  3. Unless you live in a big city area, I'd forget about it.

  4. You want your daughter to be a star? Everyone thinks there own child is great.......

  5. I say dont. Disney is a bunch of c**p. Espically Hannah Montanna and such

  6. Kids watch too much television.  It's actually a good thing that she's uninterested.

  7. Its just an idea!

    I think firstly get her to watch 'High School Musical' 1 or 2, make sure you watch it with her. Then tell her that most of the characters are in the different shows of disney channel and then watch it with her and point them out.

    If that doesn't work i dont know, sorry!

  8. Don't force her... let her like what she likes. If she's not into Disney why would that be a problem? She's her own person with her own likes and dislikes. You should encourage that.

  9. Do you mean into watching the Disney channel, or being on a SHOW on the Disney channel (like a mini-Hannah Montana)?

    If your talking about watching, my young daughter prefers the shows on Nick Jr., such as "Wonder Pets,"  "Ni Hao Kai Lan," and "Max and Ruby."   She likes "High School Musical"

    too, but I personally can't stand it.

    If you're talking about getting her on a show, you need to find an agent to represent her.

  10. Just turn it on one day and if she likes it she likes it if she doesn't she does't

  11. I'm with Lynn... What extctly are you talking about!??

  12. Every time she watch disney channel , she got a reward or can play some thing she normally won't allow to such as a day trip to the zoo. this creates a positive feeling for her on disney channel, since every time she watch it she gains and have fun. Hope this helps :)

  13. I don't mean to sound rude but Jesus Christ, woman, why the heck would you want to do that? Have you seen Britney Spears lately? Just something to think about. :/

  14. Find a child's talent agency. If they're reputable, there should be no fee for them to take your daughter as a client.  You would have to pay for head shots for your daughter but with kids, they sometimes go a little less formal and let you do candid shots.  

    The agency will only make money if your daughter gets work, so they will try to get her jobs in ads, print ads, etc.  Getting on national television through an ad or on a show would require you to join the union (very expensive).  Also, you should know that by law a percentage of everything she would earn would go into a special account that you can't access, that she would get access to when she was older.

    You really have to live very close to where the work is so that you can get a call that morning and drive to the audition site the same day.  So you have to live in the LA area.

  15. You know how many parents would love to have their "fabulous" kids be actors on a popular TV show?  A lot! (Although I can't understand why)  It's very unlikely to happen.  And anyways, you start small with commercials and such.

  16. Uhmm try emailing the people who help run disney channel. Or some places there are auditions to get into like disneychannel nick and other things. Or try searching online try that site.

  17. Are you talking about getting her into watching Disney or becoming an actor on the Disney channel? Thats what I thought when I read it but noticed everyone else suggested ways to get her to watch it.

    What exactly did you mean?

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