
I have a friend leaving for Peru on friday, what advise should I give her before she leaves?

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I have a friend leaving for Peru on friday, what advise should I give her before she leaves?




  1. Have fun, keep in touch and be careful who she speaks to!!!

  2. Tell her to relax, smile and enjoy the cultural experience.  Make sure she has adequate travel insurance especially if she is going into the mountains, it can be treacherous walking.

  3. Good question and since I've visited there 5 times already I would recommend NOT taking traveler's checks since you will spend more time at the bank and pay a huge service charge it's not worth it. Your ATM card will work there and take some cash. Don't carry your credit cards when you are walking around. Only carry as much as you need for that day.

    On the positive side - bring some small treats or gifts for the poor kids. It's nice to help them and they will be so happy to have a new friend. Peru is a wonderful and beautiful country.

  4. Tell your friend to becareful in the city for pick pocketers... And to travel in a group... She'll b safer. Enjoy the food and the cultural experience!

  5. to always keep in touch with you.

  6. How about, Just have fun.....

  7. tell her not to snort talcum powder given to her by strange men with big moustaches. ask her to bring me a kilo back will ya

  8. don't go

  9. be safe and dont carry anything back into the country from anyone!!!!

  10. Give her some Aqium gel.  It's an antibacterial handwash that doesn't need water.  Tell her to carry it in her bag wherever she goes.

  11. Famous for being the best pickpockets in the world so always be careful with your belongings. And that you can eat almost anything there so make sure they have a strong stomach otherwise they will miss one of the best parts!

  12. Imodium-AD, Peptobismol?

  13. come back!

  14. Tell her to take care,enjoy it  and that you will miss her.

  15. why do you need to?  if she is old enough to decide to travel to peru she is old enough to go without advice.

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