
I have a friend problem!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my friend just started liking this 1 guy about 2 days ago and she told me that she liked him and i did too. He asked me out though and at first i said no because my friend liked him but then she told me she didn't like him anymore so i said yes to the guy. Now she won't talk to me and she's rele mad. But she did the same thing to me twice! What do i do? I already told her i was rele rele sorry.

What do i do? plz help!!! thanx!!




  1. I think you should stand up to her and be your own person with your own likes and dislikes.  If she did the same thing to you twice you need to tell her and then maybe she will be more aware of what she did to you.  This isnt your fault, dont be manipulated.  She told you herself that she didnt like him so you went ahead and made the move (there was nothing wrong with that).  If shes still mad I think its more over jealousy than anything else...dont let her make you feel guilty, you are in the right!

  2. You shouldn't feel bad, she did it two you twice, so it's not like she cared about you when she did it.

    Just try not to flash your guy around when you're with her, you can hold hands but leave the kissing alone since she's not going to be comfy around that.

    Guys with all be around, she'll find another one. It's not like OMG he's the only guy, so she'll be okay aha.

    It's not your fault, you didn't TELL him to like you, it was his choice. If he doesn't like her, then oh well. Don't feel bad. Just tell her if she doesn't like it, don't hang around with you when you're with him. Besides, she shouldn't have lied and said she didn't like him. By saying that, tada you don't have to worry.

    She's gotta get over it, don't let it get to you. Talk to her about it and let her know that she will still be your friend and when she's ready to come around, you'll still be there.


  3. She told u she didn't like him. What you did was perfectly fine!

  4. Ur friends always going to see things her way. Whether u like it or not.U shouldn't be fighting for a guy they come and go

  5. Well what is more important to you?! That boy?(there will be more so don't worry) or your best friend? (losing a friend can affect you very badly) decide which one if you chose boy go ahead maybe your friend will lighten up or if you decide that your friend is more important forget about that freak(sorry) and even though she did it to you just let the past leave you and try to be a true friend to your friend adn she will do the same for you (unless she is not a true friend)

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