
I have a friend situation and I need advice?

by  |  earlier

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okay so here's the story...

My friend that's a boy, let's call him C. I've been friends with him since the 5th-6th grade and now we're in 10th, and we've been best friends since. and my friend that's a girl, let's call her K. I've been friends with K for only a year... we met last year in science. Alright so K tells me that she has feelings for C, randomly, and they hardly know eachother.....

and for some reason that REALLY bothers me. to the point where I don't want to talk to K at all until she's over with her feelings. and it's not because I like C more than I should, not at ALL. I know I don't have those feelings for sure. I already thought that over. I don't even understand why it pisses me off so much but it does....

and lately C doesn't have time for me anymore cause he's busy with people but he has time for HER; they hung out and they hardly know eachother.

am I in the wrong?




  1. I can understand why that's annoying. She just comes out of the blue and steals your best friend. But when it comes down to it, it's really his buisness who he spends his time with.

    Try talking to him. But then he might get mad at u for 'not understanding' , then that might start a fight and make things worse.

  2. i know how you and a friend of mine have been friends since 7th grade [[ JR's now]] and he is meeting new people and it pissed me off at first but i got used it it!!! your not wrong its perfectly normal!!!

    ah! it still pisses me off at times....but  i know deep inside he loves me like i love him!!

    talk w/ him and tell him that

    '' hey your my BFF and i love you like a brother and nothing eles!!!

    and tell him what bothers you and if he is trully the friend you think he is!! he will give you a reasonable answer!!

    I know he willl............

    best of luck!!!

    your not alone! =]

  3. i do thnk...pls dont mistake me....

    u like C...u feel you dont like but u really do..ur mind says u don like but your heart says that you like..u are lstening to your mind...n so..u are not knowing that u like C...

    well...if u know K likes him then why arent you helping them to get on?

    or you just ignore them both until K tells about her feelings to C.

    its not a good thing to feel jelous about them just try not to have that feeling anymore,,,

    this is what i feel...

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