
I have a friend that is an illegal alien. I know it sounds horrible but when he was 11 years old, his mother?

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drove him over here illegally and now he is 27. He has been living here scared over half his life. He can't go visit his family that is still over there because he may never make it back. HE is a good and hard working person... He speaks proper English and looks, acts and talks just like any other American person I know. Isn't there ANYTHING I he can do to become legal? Besides getting married...He can't do that because he is g*y. (kind of an oxy moron I know.) He pays his taxes every year and works just as hard as any of you. He actually is the best cook I know and we are thinking of opening a restaraunt but I want to make sure we could pull it off. In the mean time, could he get a position as a flight attendant? Or is that a complete area we need to have him avoid?




  1. There's nothing that can be done.  Marriage won't help either.  What he needs to do is return to his own country and apply for a visa (possibly a work visa as he is a valued employee?) at the US embassy in his country.  If he has an employer willing to sponsor a work visa, he is definitely closer than most.

    The law recognizes that children are brought here by others.  Because of that, these children are given additional time to remove themselves from this country without carrying any of the burden of legal consequences for illegal presence.  In your friends case, however, that time has long passed.  The longer he stays illegally, the worse his chances of being granted legal status.

  2. At the age of 18 he should have gone back to his own country and applied to come here legally.  That was nine years ago.  Now, he must leave America and go back to apply.  Hopefully they will not place a ten year ban on him because he was here illegally for so long.  A flight attendant's background is thoroughly investigated.  Your friend would never make it.  He must pursue action before he is found out and deported.  Marriage alone will not allow him to stay in this country because he was illegal to start with.  Thank his good old mother for the problems that she has caused and is causing him now.

  3. He has to go home and apply from there to become legal. He should have taken care of it long before now.

  4. It's really unfortunate that you are asking us to help him break the law!

    He should go back where he came from.  Saddest thing is I've never heard any illegal say they want to come here, get education and go back and make Mexico better.  The goal is to come here and take, take, take.

  5. I don't know whether working as a flight attendant would jeopardize him or not.  This is the U.S.Department of Justice website for pro-bono immigration attorneys.  Perhaps he can get help here.

    I wish your friend well.

  6. How does he pay taxes does he have a social security card? or a birth certificate?

  7. While I feel for him which is rare for me, the key word is,illegal!

    By your story here is a person doing things the right way, except he is illegal.

    No, they back ground check flight people.

    Without tipping your hand, ask around, your congressman, lawyers and do some research.

    Most of the time I am hard line on this issue for the record.

  8. The question starts and ends with the word "illegal." He should return to his home nation, and if he wishes to become a US citizen, go through the legal process to obtain citizenship. Perhaps they will take his life circumstances into account.

    You say he pays his taxes.... so, he has a legal, verifiable SSN?

    You, for not turning him in, are also guilty. Do the right thing, call the authorities today, and get him started on the path to leading a legal life.

  9. No.  And that is the horrible part of breaking the this law.  But there can be no doubt that if he is doing well here, he will do as well in Mexico, and if I were him, and DID want to be a citizen of this country, he should get home before he is caught, and apply.

    Keep in mind, in order to do what he has done, he has had to live with his fake and felonious I.D. for a very long time.  That could put him in jail for a while before they deport him.

  10. That's too bad it must really hurt to know your parents are totally selfish and don't care what they do to their child's future.

    Unfortunately it is too late at 27 to obtain legal status while he remains in the US. He could have done something shortly after his 18th birthday when immigration would have taken his youth into consideration.

    Now the only way he can gain status is to return home serve the time he gets as a ban and then apply to come back

    If he stays it is just a matter of time before he is deported.

    Marriage will not change anything either.

  11. That depends. Marriage doesn't legalize anyone. If she drove him from Canada there's a way if he can prove he's got 50% native blood. But otherwise he has to return to country of origin and apply from there. Good luck!

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