
I have a friend that won't take showers/baths.I have talked to her about it many times,she said nothing...?

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I have talked to her.I bought her some bath/shower soap and she still won't shower (maybe once every 2 weeks).

I am to the point where I can't stand to be around her. I told her that and she said nothing.




  1. That really sucks. Maybe you should put perfume and be like oh you want and even if she dosent anwser just spray it. Also you might want to talk to her mom but maybe she doesent take shower either. Your really hard situation. Dont be that close to her is the only thing I can tell you "/

  2. Sometimes the best way to deal with something like this is to just be blunt and don't try to tippy-toe around it.  Just tell her that she stinks and you won't hang with a disgusting broad who doesn't care!

  3. say to her that you like her and everything but you hate her personal hygiene and shes a lovely girl and everything but when "people" slag her off you hate it and blah blah blah

    lol that was jst an example bt it might help you find something to say to her.

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