
I have a friend who's extremely big headed..?

by  |  earlier

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She's never EVER wrong and she's the best at everything. I use to horse ride a few years ago and I found out she horse rides. She brags about jumping and riding bareback ect. but I've just started again (a week ago) with my first lesson and the teacher thinks I could start cantering already. Do you think if I try my hardest I could beat my friend? I want to prove to her she's not amazing at everything. She doesn't even put much effort into her riding, I want to prove that effort does mount into something. I want to be a good rider again and start jumps, could I succeed?




  1. i think its childish to want to beat your friend, you should do horse riding because you want to and move at your own pace not push yourself to the limit to try be better than your friend. Friendship is not about competition but about be there for the other person and having a laugh in their company, if you are competitng with her where is the fun in that, or the friendship even.

  2. you go for it you can do anything when you put your mind to it and yes go prove to her that she is not the only one that can do things i used to go horse riding and i loved it and im a boy so go for it

  3. Well if your doing riding just to be her friend Then I don't have anything to say to you

    You have a choice, and you took the one to ride with her

    so now you can choose not to

  4. I don't think you'll convince HER that you're better than her.  I think she has set her mind on believing that she is the best.  You can certainly work hard at riding and objectively get better than her.  It'll take a lot of riding and a lot of practice, but I'm sure you can do it.  But your friend will never be convinced... she could go in 100 horse shows against you, you could win 1st place every time and SHE would still think that she's the best.

  5. I can see your rich hehehe anyway..

    yeah.. go and put MORE effort! tell that friend of yours

    that everything has to be taken seriously.. I mean.. duh? Let's see if she can still brag after you have beaten her.. so DO YOUR BEST! GOD BLESS!

  6. Of course you could... but why would you want to succeed at this?

    I would let this competition go...

    Stop hanging out with her for a while, till she's asks why your avoiding her then tell her she's a know it all and she thinks she an all-star at every thing.

    As long as you're not one....

    I mean yeah, it would be great to put her in her place but you should ride and jump horses because you love doing it.  

    Your giving attention to her behavior by competing against her... Is she swaying you to become like her?

    It sounds like she needs to learn a lesson here... and it's not that she's NOT the better rider. That still won't change her mentality.

    She need to learn that she has a choice to make...

    between being right all the time & better than everyone... or being loved... because no one likes a know it all.

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