
I have a friend who doesn't have the best eating manners. Any suggestions to help me deal with it?

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I just need to be able to tell my friend that her eating habits aren't acceptable for eating out. Or even eating around her friends. It's just disgusting. So any advice would be great!




  1. If you are particularly close to this ill-mannered friend, I suggest you gently tell her, and assure her of your friendship and support to check this bad behavior.

  2. Just gently bring up the issue. If you can do it subtly it would be good.

    If she is your friend she shouldn't mind you telling her.

  3. I presume that you are on good terms with this friend, if you are it would make it so much easier.

    Not knowing what her bad habits are, I should just go for it.

    Tell her that you have something very important to talk to her about, then tell her that because you are her friend there is something that she needs to know.  Then come straight out with it.  You can say that you want to help her because obviously she is not aware of the problem.

    I think if you let her know that this is said in friendship then she will understand.

    Many, many years ago we had a girl in our class at school who wanted to be in our gang sort of thing, but she had the most dreadful B/O, it was so bad that people in assembly used to faint if they stood behind her, honest.  So another friend and I decided we were going to tell her.

    That night we walked through the park, and we were only 14 at the time so not much tact at that age.  Anyway we started to talk to her and before we knew where we were we started to talk about an imaginery friend at dance classes.  We could not bring ourselves to point it back to her.  Next thing she said "oh that nust be dreadful".  My friend and I looked at each other not knowing what to do.  In the end I was the one who had to tell her that we were indeed talking about her.

    She was upset I think because we had gone all around the bush trying to get it out.  She then explained that although she washed herself her Mum would not buy deodorant.  We said buy it yourself out of your pocket money.  She did this and things changed for her.

    Many years later I met this girl in the city and she was an Air Hostess, and pretty glamorous.  We used to call her Miss Smelly, but that day in the city you could no longer call her that.

    Sorry about the length of my answer, truth is best if said in friendship.

    Good luck.

  4. dont be there when she eats.i know people like that. they know better.but they like eating like if you value her friendship in other ways.just dont be there. she will get the point.then you can tell her after she asks.good luck.

  5. While you are sitting at a restaurant eating with her say the following; Mary (or whatever here name is) do you ever look around to see how other people eat? I always notice when people eat in a mannerly way that it just looks so much nicer. It is obvious to me that they have had some good training from their parents. If I didn't care about you so much I wouldn't tell you this but your eating habits are not very good. If I can be of any help in teaching you how I would love to. Or maybe you just need to look around and watch how other people eat.

  6. Just tell her,

  7. Oh Geez Gurl,

    I kno how you feel!!

    When you sit down to eat with her, if she is doing something wrong, you shld nudge her (with your foot or something), But First you shld talk to her, face to face. I'm sure she will understand, and tell her what she needs to work on.

    But the two important things are,


    Chewing with her mouth shut!!

    & NEVER! Talk with food in your mouth

    Hope I helped you!

    Ashley ^_^


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