
I have a friend who got kicked out and can't find a place, shelters are packed, where can he go?

by  |  earlier

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he has a part-time job (he planned on leaving) and I'm not in the situation where I can give him a place. he was living with family but his step-father got abusive and kicked him out. This is in summerville, sc btw.




  1. You don't say where you are, so no one can really help you.  Try saying what city and state you are in.  If you're not comfortable with that, try contacting your local United Way, they may be a part of the First Call For Help network, which is a number you can call to get info on shelters and other social service agencies.  You can also try going to and seeing if your city or area is listed, if so, check for shelter numbers anyway, because there may be some shelters you didn't know to check.  The other thing about shelters is that their space changes daily, just because they're full today doesn't mean they'll be full tomorrow, so keep checking back.  Also, there is usually a city shelter that takes all who come in, we have one for men and one for women here in Cleveland.  These shelters are called drop in shelters, and they will put people on cots if they run out of beds and then mats if they run out of cots.  otherwise, try to find a cheap motel, maybe you could spot him the cash for one night and see if shelters open up tomorrow.  If you have room, can he camp out on your couch or floor for one or two nights?  Those are all of my suggestions, good luck.

  2. If he is teens to early 20's please suggest he call 1800runaway.  I understand that he did not run away but they help ppl who are kicked out too and can usually find a place.   If he happens to be under 18 he can not be kicked out legally but can leave voluntarily at 17.  So if in that age group he can go to police or dfacs for help to get back into home again or get it across to parent that they have a legal obligation to provide for him.   Ususally there is some reason for the kick out so he may need to agree to work on whatever that is.   If it happens to be drugs a drug rehab would be a way of solving both problems...I am NOT accusing him it's just a solution I have seen work.

    Look in your phone book under shelters and under social service agencies and also go to to make sure you are really calling all shelters in the area.that  If he has a car or if you do he could crash in the car for a night or perhaps camp in a state or national forest.   It is cool and wet here but not beyond doing that and you are somewhat south of us.   If he chooses the camping method and has access to a vehicle he is prolly better off sleeping in the vehicle but putting up the tent (WallMart has been known to have tents for $29 or less).  The tent indicates he is a legit camper not a vagrant and pretty well can be used in same place 2 weeks and he can tell any official type ppl that he was concerned for bears or that the thing leaked some so he decided he was beter off in the car.   Places like Huddle House and Waffel House some McDonalds etc. are open all night.  You can not sleep in them absolutely nor look as if you are about to fall asleep but you can sit around a while.   Often it is better to sleep in the day even at a friend's place and to be up and about at night, less danger from police, bad ppl, wild life etc.  If he can get a 3rd shift (night)  job that is even better.   If doing the all night eatery thing or "shopping" at Wall-Mart, Ingles or whatever is open all night do buy something and do look as clean nad with it as possible.  Limit the time in any one place - for ex in our area which is very rural there is an Ingles, a Kangaroo, and a Huddle House on different parts of the same corner 1/2 mile away is a MCD that is open till midnight and a Wendy's with same hrs across from that.   So hang out at McD till closing, walk to Ingles and shop a while.   Go spend a couple of hrs at Huddle House longer if not too busy and you mention to staff that you are waiting for an out of town friend to come get you or if mobbed and you offer to do dishes free or in trade for a burger for similar reason,  walk across to Kangaroo hang out with same story.  By now it should be near 4 so go have an early coffee at HH and then hit the 5:30 McD breakfast opening by which time it is day and one can go sit in the park or go visit a friend.   It still works a lot better with a car  but it can be done.

    One of the best things you can do to help if he can't stay there is to be a place he can shower unless he is in a camparea thatb has thise bec the main thing to do when homeless is to avoid looking homeless.  

    BTW he might have more luck finding a shelter in Charleston if someone can give him a ride.  

    More resources Help of Summerville (843) 871-0182 Salvation Army (843) 851-2368 Crisis Ministries (843) 723-9477 United Ministries Crisis Center 843) 723-9477

    Your friend can also get food at food ministries.

    Pls tell him that if it comes to taking a bath in a rest room do that only in one where one person goes in and locks the door otherwise some busy body reports to the mgmt that some one is taking a bath and must be homeless which leads to police and vagrency charges even tho being himeless is not at all illegal.

  3. If he is your friend, why can't he stay with you?

  4. Tell him to get a fscking job, the lazy bum.

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