
I have a friend who has a child, the dad pass away. She is trying to get SSI for the child. wno can she go to.

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The dads mom refuses to give DNA, and she can't find any other brothes or sisters. She is supportin her kid as good as she can. and just wants what the child deserves. the Dad was killed in a car crash, would she be able to get help from the corner. no they was not married but planed on it




  1. goto the SSI office and ask they they handle it, have her file when they refuse it bring it to a ssi lawyer, they are free they take their fee out of the ssi income which is owed from the date of first applying which is why she needs to apply today

  2. A judge can make a decision on paternity.    If the guy just died, then contact the coroner's office so that they know this is an issue. Then contact the Social Security office for direction.

  3. hopefully his name was on the birth certificate. But contact the social security office anyways.

  4. She should call the Social Security Office and make an appointment. They will tell her what to do. If all fails, she can hire an attorney that knows the ins and outs of Social Security.

    Good Luck to her...

  5. Hey Cajun, SSI office is where she has to go. The dad's mom might get served a by a lawyer to release a DNA. The child is entitled to it. Does'nt matter that they were not married.

  6. you would need a dna test to prove to ss the kid was his

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