
I have a friend who is being charged with 2 counts of aggrivated drug trafficking how much time?

by  |  earlier

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They have two small charges of criminal mischief and criminal tresspassing prior to these charges. They also found 7 grams of cocaine in the house.




  1. Cocaine is a federal charge and if they dont charge her with state and local hits also she is looking at two to five with time and probation she

    might serve witha fine and court charges along with further probation

    restrains if they throw the book to make a example she might be looking at a three federal strikes conviction if they want to press a point to others in the community she was arrested in specially if she

    was arrested near a school or a day care or some other child care

    services or schools. cheers goodluck. of course these charges can be reduced if she cooperates to gain the police others in the endevours\

    she got caught up into even if the drug was for only personal use.

    she may in helping the police take out a drug house dealer or alert them to unknown places and people she might get off with rewards

    with no jail time and reduced fines. Its up to the DA office she should make every effort to make herself clear and help the police take the problem she is in out of the area she was caught in t will go along way

    to helping herself free herself of the lifestyle and help her resist returning after she gets past this charge. two to five years of my life is way to high a price to get high for a couple hours.


  2. Don't worry about the friend. Worry about yourself if you have freinds like that.

  3. 10 years and would be out in 18 months if it were non aggravated.42 months on an aggravated sentence.

  4. You need to say ex-friend.   Once an addict , always and addict.    If there were Children in the house, this woman will loose her kids, and possibly get a long time.    She needs to go to a State Mental Health Facility and be de-toxed.    She needs to get clean and stay clean and also stay away from the people who takes her down.   She will now get all that in a  Federal Prison, and pay dearly for the expense of her Children.  

  5. being it is his first charge, they could give him probation for 5yrs but the possibility would be they would be facing 3-5yr and parole after after he server at least 2 1/2ys,

  6. 5-10yrs

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