
I have a friend who was diagnosed with RRMS, can marijuana provide any positive or negative effects for him?

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My friend was diagnosed with Remitting/Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. He has smoked pot before and will most likely continue to, however we are curious as towards what positive or negative effects marijuana might have on his health.




  1. Marijuana can help with the spasticity and pain sometimes seen in MS. The medicinal use of marijuana is legal in CA.

    People with MS are often fatigued and marijuana can make that worse depending on how much you use.

    Diagnosed with MS over 25 years.

  2. To me... really there are no negatives effects of marijuana. I smoke it when I'm in pain and when I'm sick. It helps me with the pain and it helps the appitite not to mention feeling the blues. I would choose natural GOD grown marijuana that any man made remedy.

  3. the only side effect to ever be proven is that it will make you fat. yup, munchies. other than that it is as much speculation as the common egg, one day it is said to be so bad for you that it kills, and the very next its the best for you. its just illegal because the government can't package and tax it for a price that would make you be willing to walk away from the street corner dealers prices, now if they could figure out how to package and tax it so they could make a profit, then it would be legal like cigarettes.

  4. ive heard it has great effects for ms.  i know montel williams is an outspoken proponent of using marijuana for this disease.  read the book marihuana the forbidden medicine by lester grinspoon. he is a harvard MD who highlighted many cases of marijuana used as medicine for a variety of medical issues

    oh, and marijuana doesnt make you fat, although it does increase appetite, it also increases your metabolism by increasing your heart rate.  most people i know who have started smoking pot have actually lost weight. unless they had some issue where they needed the marijuana to eat. ive never known someone who has gotten fat from using marijuana

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