
I have a friends wedding comming up in 6 months how much weight can i lose if i workout 30mins everyday?

by  |  earlier

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of course i would also watch what i was eating




  1. about 24 to 30 pounds if you adhere to the right lifestyle.

    Interesting story below.

  2. 1-2 pounds a week is considered healthy weight loss. With proper exercise and good eating habits this is not a hard goal to obtain. In 6 months time you may be able to lose anywhere from 24-48 pounds. However, this depends on where you are starting out from as well. You may not need to lose that much weight. Good luck!

  3. finally some one who isn't asking how they can lose 40 pounds in a week for a wedding. good job planning ahead. once you get a routine just stick to it and cut down on fatty foods. you will need carbs for energy just not too much.Good luck and enjoy the wedding

  4. There is no easy answer to your question, it depends on your BMI (body mass index) and your age (which influences your metabolism). What is your height and weight? Plug those numbers into this website:

    This gives you a quick answer as to what range your in. Next, is to go to this website: and create an account. You will be able to calculate exactly how many calories you need to burn before the wedding and give you a caloric intake as well. This website allowed me to lose 15 lbs and keep it off! Try it and you'll see its addicting and exciting to lose the weight!

    Good luck

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