
I have a frog question!!?

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Hi everybody.

Today I have found an injured frog in my pool. I have already called the veterinarian and she asked me if I would care for it for a week or two. I put the frog in my old hermit crab container. (I filled it with water from the hose and put two rocks in it so he can breathe) The frog has a serious cut on both legs and when he is floating in the water you can see flesh floating around him. The vet didn't tell me how to care for the scraped up legs so QUESTION 1: Do you know of any safe ointment that I could put on the scrapes? I know not to keep the poor frog in the hermit crab container all day everyday, so I will put him in the pool for a while each day. Don't worry, I know that chlorine from the pool can kill him, I know what to do to make it safe for him. But what I do not know is QUESTION 2: can I feed the frog fish food? (flakes) I used to have gold fish, so I still have the food. I will show you a picture of him so you might know what kind of frog he is.




  1. The frog you have appears to be a leopard frog, but it's hard to tell... depending on the frog's size, you should feed him large crickets, small crickets or flightless fruit flies. However if you have a toad, they don't like it a moist as the frogs so there's no need for swimming water. Also, make sure you're keeping it warm. you can get a pad that fits under the aquarium that heats. You can also use a heating pad but either way only put it under HALF of the container you keep it in so it can hop/limp away from the heat and regulate body temperature. I would go to the pet store and get the coconut bedding b/c it's going to hold in moisture and combined with the heat pad, will provide them with the needed humidity. I also would use fish food on a wet sponge or there's special cricket food you can use to keep the crickets alive and this "gut loads" them so that the frog gets extra nutrients. I would also buy the calcium dust that you dust on the crickets before feeding so that you are making sure you're providing extra calcium to help bones heal. Make sure you're providing a hiding place to make it feel a little more secure, but keep it on the cool side of the container. OH, use BOTTLED water even tap water has chlorine and mineral deposits taht can harm it.

  2. With some frogs, the destresser for fish helps promote a mucus coating on frogs and fish that helps seal out infection and aid in their healing. Check out different frogs online until you find something that looks familiar and you might be able to find what it eats and what temp the water should be at, etc.

  3. I'm not sure what type of frog that is, but it will not eat fish food, buy crickets for it.  Also the water needs to be dechlorinated or it will die.  

    A rubber made storage bin makes a decent impromptu frog habitat.  Fill 1/2 way with dechlorinated water and put in some rocks for it to climb on.  

    I once found a bullfrog that had both ti back legs broken with bones sticking out, just good food, proper care and habitat helped it recover nicely.

    That may be a leopard frog or at least share the same range as a leopard frog.

    Try this for help

  4. i feel bad that that other person just like used u to get points. anyhow, i think the reason the vet didnt tell you how to care for it is because you shouldnt. the frog should be able to heal by itself.  

    all you should have to do is feed it with crickets, and possibly add dirty water if you have a pond nearby. Bayou water is fine. add a few more rocks on one side of the cage and the frog should be healed in about a week. by then u might have thoughts of keeping it, but dont they have a whole world away form u.

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