
I have a funny but weird question?

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my 15 month old son slaps himself when he gets fustrated or mad. whenever we discipline him, he gets upset and starts slapping himself. is this jus something baby's do when they get a certain age or how can it be stopped?




  1. My son did this.  I also believe in a light spanking or tap on the hand once in a while (like when he pulls my hair out) and then when he wants to do it again, he will slap his own hand like he's reminding himself.  

    I would try to dissipate the frustration.  Help him with whatever is frustrating, talk calmly and tell him to stay calm,. Try to teach him to calm himself down some.

    Also, maybe just hold his hands down for a minute so he stops and maybe he will stop all together.

  2. put them on a bean bag. helps them not to hurt themselves as much. Children do it for attention.

  3. Yes, if your son is doing this mostly after you discipline him, he is seeking attention, I'd say! You need to walk away from him after you discipline him, or place him in another area away from everyone else for a few minutes to give him some time to calm down. Explain to him that when he is calm, he may come back to you! Anytime he starts to get upset and start to slap himself, simply explain to him that we don't do this to ourselves, and that if he continues to do that, you will put him in his room untill he can be calm; then, if he continues, do it!! AS SOON as he calms down, bring him out; if he immediately starts again, back to room,ect. He may try you many,many, times before he figures out that this is not the type of attention he wants from you!! When he does get to come back out each time, have something fun to share with him; a treat, a toy to play with, a game,ect., to get accross to him that he doesn't have to slap himself to get your attention!!

    It's a full-time job, but so worth it!!

    Good luck!!

  4. Yes my daughter does this too! No idea why. She especially does it if she was asleep but woken up and is having a tantrum. She'll slap her thighs and that.

    Its quite unsettling but touching her seems to make her worse so its best to ignore it but remain close by until she's ready to be settled and comforted.

  5. ignor him my friend has twins that bite there fingers or bang there head one the floor when mad she ignored them and they stoped

  6. My nephew would bang his head against the wall.  At first my sister would freak and pick him up but once she started ignoring his behavior he quit doing it.  She tells him no once and then ignores.

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