
I have a ghost and in need of some help?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have a girl that plays with stuff around the house and today my sister room the breaker popped could that be because of her how can i talk to her and get her to come out and show her self




  1. As long as "she" is basically harmless, I'd just ignore her. If you  are really afraid, ask God to  take it away( Or you can ask it to "depart in the name of Yesua")You might also want to have a minister come in and bless your house. If you are really bold, you might ask a paranormal investigation society to come in and examine it. I'd stay away from "Psychics" though. Alot of them are just in it for the money and may give you adverse results( they could be"fake").


  3. There is no way that a human being can talk to the dead period.... And if you are able to communicate with this spirit then you can be sure that it is demonic....  And if that is the case you have to be-careful  of what you say to it....... Right now if what you are saying is true you are going to have your home blessed.... And if that does not work then your home must be exorcises............................

  4. Do not communicate with that spirit under any circumstances. Demons which are very evil spirits have the ability to transform into any person including a child in order to deceive you into thinking they are innocent. What you need to do is pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you and your family). Then whenever any strange thing happens again command that demon to leave you and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If the problem persist you can ask a pastor to bless your house, pray for the safety of you and your family and you can ask him/her for advice.

  5. Judging by your eagerness to meet a paranormal being, you must have not see enough poltergeist movies!! Don't attempt to communicate with her, she might murder you in your sleep!!

    JK :P.

    Just ignore it, and you'll see it's only your overactive and rather precocious hyperactive subconscious mind playing tricks on you. When you are scared all of your senses are intensified and add to the fact that your imagination might even cause you to hallucinate severely. Ghost don't exist, because a human is basically and advanced chimp. So just like there isn't any cockroach ghosts, lol there isn't human ghost!! DUH

  6. She sounds harmless so this should be fairly easy .

    The first thing you need to do is relax , the more relaxed you are the better .

    If you have a tape recorder I would suggest that you use it .

    Simply ask if there is some one there in the house and that if they are there to please give you a sign . Such as move a ball or some thing small and lite .

    Let the girl know that you are not there to hurt her . That you would like to help her .

    With the tape recorder on ask her name , if she used to live there , if there is any one else there with her , ect . what ever you would like to ask her .

    Don't be disappointed if you don't catch her on tape right away . It may take several tries .

    You could also set up a video recorder where there is the most activity and let it play through , it's possible that you could pick up an image of her . Again don't be disappointed if it doesn't work right away .

    After talking and asking the questions let her know that she needs to move on , that she no longer lives there . It's possible she doesn't realize that she has died .

    If you can not make her realize that she has died and that she needs to move on you may want to call in a minister or priest and have your home blessed .

    Good luck .

  7. you might try holding a seance.  to begin everyone sits in a circle in an unlit room and stays absolutley quiet for at least 20 minutes. she may reveal herself as a misty form.  

  8. I agree with the first should be carefull!

    If you don't want to end up getting hurt I suggest you get a proffessional."She" could be a demon.If she is you will need an excorcist.The only way she could be a ghost is if when she died she  regrets something.So becarefull! don't go near her by yourself.

  9. I agree with ghettogangsta above, but also use a voice recorder too, she might be talking this whole time and you don't know it. I strongly believe in spirits, heck the Bible even talks about them.

  10. unless you can talk, hear, or see the dead then contact a psychic find out the name of the ghost and possibly why he/she is even there and it wouldnt hurt to find out some background on the ghost unless shes bugging you or the family really bad then youll just have to live with her being there or just move out and hope she doesnt follow you yes ghosts can do that unless your crossing over a body of water then i heard that for some reason they cant follow you but i mean if shes breaking things and messing things up and of course hurting people then you have to get rid of always start out by contacting a psychic or clear voiant or paranormal researchers to learn about the ghost(s) and if theres more than 1 ghost which is most likely the case then have a priest bless the house if thats part of your religion if blessing the house doesnt work then perform an exorcism if none of these things work then move out if shes just there as a "guest" then theres nothing to worry bout DONT EVER USE AN OUIJA BOARD unless you know what you're doing ouija boards always make things worse and if you do dont burn the ouija board its kind of like a gateway for ghosts and demons

  11. umm

    find out her name

    look for the houses

    history, maybe if you

    call her by her name,

    then she would appear

    and you can talk  some sense into her 0.0

  12. the girl is the ghost???

    it might get her out it depends..well at night.....try to talk to her...have a video recorder so you can capture every night with her she will eventually come out and do something...

    have a ball on the floor and tell her to try to move it..

    take alot of pics might catch sumthing..

    nuthing happens in the day..or you cant see anything,....

    good luck =]

  13. pray

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