
I have a ghost?

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He has been here for awhile. Usually he's harmless. What he has done is; knocked things off my mantle and off my shelf in the laundry rm, he plays with my computer and picks the songs I will sing, and he keeps changing my darn clocks ahead. He doesn't hurt anybody. He won't give me his name, and it's frustrating. Please help




  1. Why do you automatically think this is a ghost and not a leprechaun? Aren't leprechauns supposed to be mischievous like this? Why are so many people skeptical of leprechauns?

    But if you're asking me, I don't think it's either ghost or leprechaun. It doesn't take a ghost or leprechaun for something to fall off a shelf. Are you sure whatever fell wasn't knocked over or placed precariously?  As far as what songs your computer plays, that's dictated by the playlist programming of whatever software you're using. It's far more likely that you just don't know how the playlist works. Do your clocks automatically adjust for daylight savings time or is someone resetting them to play a joke on you? Are you accidentally hitting the hour adjust button when you are hitting the snooze? Maybe you should find out.

    You don't have a ghost.

  2. Do you know a guaranteed cure for hauntings?  Bring in a skeptic.  I have been to many "haunted" houses and nothing ever happens when I'm around.

    Could it be because I don't believe in them that ghosts never appear, or do I disbelieve in ghosts because they have never appeared?  Either way, I want to see evidence of them and I never have.

  3. well i have a pendulum bord or something like that and it takes the spirits that are around u or in ur house and u can comunicate with them but it is nothing like a ouija bord but i met my spirit guide through there her name is nichole she is 23.  she is actually realy nice i talk to her all the time now but u could try comunicating with it throught ur mind

    feel free to email me bout anything at

  4. to the first answer church want help with a ghost.

  5. He wants attention. Have you asked him what he wants? BTW...I don't think he's spirit guide. Just a wanderer, someone attracted to you simply b/c you can sense his presence. Try asking him what he wants or how old he is. But I just get mischievous, like maybe he's a child, or teenager, as that's what I get, a child like presence, and I dont' think he means any harm, I just think he likes you, likes playing games with you.

    Tell him you don't like him doing those things and that he needs to stop. Be firm but polite (it's YOUR house). If you want him to leave, tell him that he can't stay anymore, that he needs to go into the light (same way you might with a houseguest whose overstayed his welcome). And if you're religious at all, say a little prayer for him, that he finds his way safely to the other side. You could even call Archangel Michael to come and get him. Literally, out loud, just say something like, "and I ask that archangel Michael come and escort this spirit off my property and into the light." If you would rather he not return, say so by maybe add the word "permenantly" in there as well (you have to be specific for some of them, particuarly the mischievous ones).

    Love and light

  6. This situation could have many answers and it all comes down to what you want to do about it.  If you want to find out more about who the spirit could be try researching the location and find out more about your house.

    You can just ask questions aloud with an audio recorder and play it back to see if you get any responses.

    You can always as an investigation team for help.  

    Check this link out for the closest team to you, and remember a truly good paranormal team will not ask for any money for services, they should all be free of charge.  Don't get suckered into paying money for something you can get for free.

  7. Go to

    They have a wealth of information there- and could put you in touch with someone in your area to help.  

    Take some photographs, maybe you could catch him/her on film- I have heard digital is better, you never know what you might find!

    I have a few interesting photographs in my collection

  8. I have read your question and all of the answers you've gotten so far and Ive come to the logical conclusion that you people are weird. As in NOT NORMAL.

    You need professional help..

  9. My suggestion is using a pendulum.  ANYONE can use a pendulum and from my experience most entities are very responsive.  (more info on that here

    You could also use a talking board to communicate (Ouija if you  want a brand name) But i don't recomend that.  Not because it is dangerous (i've used one countless times with no harm) but because they're just a pain in the *** to use.  Try the pendulum! I bet you'll like it! You can buy one or make your own with around 4-6 inches of string, jewlry chain, whatever, and a weight. it does help if the weight has a point at the bottom. feel free to email me at with deeper info and i'll actually try better to help.

  10. If he's friendly, he's probably harmless and some sort of a guide. Just express slight frustration and it'll stop. Though can't guarantee that it won't come back down the road.

    My spirit friends seem to have taken a trip back to the other side for the last year or so. Haven't had any disturbances, hmmm now that I think about it, I kind of miss them.

  11. I am a professional ghost hunter and know where your coming from. I have the same thing that happens in my house. I have even had one of the ghosts in my house take a picture of itself. Still scratching my head on that one. Never had that happen before. I can send you the picture if you want to see it. Anyways they have ruined two cable boxes, fried the boxes. I have been able to capture strange pictures in my house and an interesting evp. What I have done is put sea salt in the most active parts of my house. This has calmed things down greatly. It also insures that if you have a demon that is playing nice for now the sea salt will repel it. Sea salt drains there energy.  Aways, the best way I have found is to ask it not to do certain things. If it is knocking things over and stuff It must not like something your doing. I would get yourself a digital voice recorder and see what you can catch. You might get some answers. Just ask questions and give it a while to answer. I have found the longer you wait the better. Also let it know you mean it no harm. Most ghost were people as well. It might feel threatened.  I would say treat it like you would treat a friend. If it starts to get violent you can always contact me and I can see if I can help you further or help you find someone in your area that can assist you.



    My e-mail is

  12. Better use your cell phone to record ghost's appearance and voice. It will make you happy ever.

  13. Your friend may just be letting you know that he's or she is there. You say he but it could be a she or even a child.  It appears that your ghost means you no harm so I wouldn't be alarmed at this point. Be patient...if he wants you to know his/her name you will know when the time is right.  He may have lived there in a past life or possibly been brought in by you. For instance, you may have purchased used piece of funiture that you brought home and and entity had attached itself to it for some reason.  Possibly it could have been a favorite piece of furniture in their homw when they were alive.  There are all kinds of reasons for this type of haunting and keep in mind that a haunting isn't always bad.  Try communicating with your ghost. Don't demand that they leave or do anything but do let them know that they are welcome to be there but they do need to respect you, your space and your home. I had a similar experience and after my talk with my "ghost" it even became comical at times.  They seemed to pick their times that they made their presence known and it actually became enjoyable.  As long as your ghost isn't causing you harm I would't be to alarmed.  Good Luck!


  14. You have a haunting...more like poltergeist  activity in my opinion.  If I am right, the entity will probably never interact directly to you.  You can however put out a recorder and or video camera in the rooms where the activity seem to happen most.  You might be surprised at what you get.

  15. Wow you sound so calm about it lol.  You should do something to get rid of him....if you want to.

  16. Try capturing EVPs in your home... Get a recorder and ask him/her questions that you want to know... "Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you messing with my stuff?" etc.  If you're lucky enough, when you play back the tape you will hear the answers you are looking for.  

    And for all those skeptics out there... I am a skeptic turned believer.  I never really believed ghosts were real until I saw and heard things that I could not explain.

  17. Sounds more like a poltergeist than a ghost. Poltergeists are caused by extreme suppressed emotional stresses. Who in the house is the most stressed? Adolescents are the most likely, those hormones flying in all directions can create emotional/mental havoc with them.

    When the stresses get too much, the person may inadvertently provide the psychic trigger and create the Poltergeist.

  18. tell em to go to the light or youll hire one of those ghostbuster people

  19. Don't worry, even though there are skeptics out there, there are those who also believe in paranormal activity.  I think that it could have been there at the house or it could have been drawn to you because you have a heightened sense of awareness for paranormal activity.  I've heard other well known psychics say that some don't actually know that they've passed so if you ask it what it wants and also as silly as it sounds...tell them to go towards the light then that might help him/her to go where they belong.  Hope this helps.

  20. Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches) was written by morons to convict women of's a load, don't bother with it.

    I suggest trying to talk to him, remind him he is dead and ask him to leave (if that's what you want).  Hopefully you can guide him to leave and all will be okay.  It may take awhile to get him to go, but be persistent.

  21. The shelf in the laundry room could be explained enough by the fact that things shake and jiggle there anyway...well at least if you have a washer and/or dryer.

    As far as the "annoyances" such playing with your computer and clocks and the songs you will rings of somebody who is being annoying so that you will pay attention to them; kind of like if you were to sit and poke somebody until they either pay attention or tell you to knock it off.

    He can "pick your songs" but it is still up to you as to whether or not you're going to listen to him...and maybe sometimes it is a way to try and give you a message; start paying attention to what songs he is choosing.

    My James (pics on 360) would do similar things but with him it was not liking the clothes I was wearing/ was quite aggravating at times but I *got* that mostly his attitude was that of wanting me to do something special for him alone.

    Well, since there wasn't much I could do (as he didn't have a physical body) to make him feel "important" I didn't really see the harm in wearing a shirt or pants that he would be no different than dressing to impress one of the living.

    As far as not giving you his name, maybe he believes that you already know it or that you need to figure out WHO he is really...take a look at recurring dreams or someone who you were fond of, etc.

  22. - You don't have a ghost.  You are imagining things.

  23. You could try talking to it and expressing your frustration or a cleansing for your house.  Try picking up the malleus malificarum.  You can find it at some bookshops.  It was written a while back by some german priests and it has cleansing rituals in it

  24. u could pray to god to get him out

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