
I have a gifted boy.he is 7.but he doesn't persevere at doing homework and study lesson.pls guid me what do I?

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I have a gifted boy.he is 7.but he doesn't persevere at doing homework and study lesson.pls guid me what do I?




  1. Of course he doesn't ... he's a 7 year old boy! A child that age, gifted or not, shouldn't be subjected to more than 15 minutes of homework a night. He needs to play, to be physically active and use his imagination and unwind from spending the day at school.

    Some kids do better doing their homework right after school and then playing the rest of the night. Others do better if they can have a break after school and do homework after dinner.

    Don't expect him to get after his homework on his own. You'll have to make sure he sits down and does it...because you're the adult and he's a child.

  2. Doesn't persevere in doing HW? So is he gifted in the sense most mothers say there special ed kid is gifted or is he smart and ahead of the class gifted?

    Bribery/extortion is probably he best way to go. One hour of xbox/tv for every hour of hitting the books.

  3. Reward system. What do we get when we work hard= a paycheck. Find what he likes and that shall be his reward. Don't forget to dock him points for when he fusses and gives you a h**l of a time. That's all you need.

  4. You may want to look into AD/HD. Children with AD/HD are unusually capable of hyperfocusing on problem solving, making them potentially excellent students, especially if the work is interesting or if there is an element of competition with other students.

    Especially if a teacher has ever reported that he 'doesn't meet his potential', you should go through an AD/HD screening.

    The idea that 'all 7 year old kids have AD/HD' is not true, there are many indicators which make a child with AD/HD stand out from other students.

    It is a disorder of neurochemical imbalance, so even if you successfully teach your child an effective lifelong program of behavior management, they will still be operating at a disadvantage compared to other people.

    It may not be as significant as a 'learning disability', a distinction to be noted, but a MEDICAL diagnosis of AD/HD will qualify your child for an Individualized Education Plan. You can used this plan to coordinate the individual needs of your child with a teacher/coach/counselor. This doesn't require your student to be in special classes, or even that anyone will treat him any differently from other students.

    The worry that your child would be treated differently on the basis of a medical diagnosis is pale in comparison to the lifelong confusion of a lack of medical diagnosis, if the disorder does exist in your child. There are many free questionnaires online that you can look at for information before deciding to commit money to seeing a profession. You might also look into your child's school system to see if they have any subsidy programs for helping him get a diagnosis, if you think upon looking at the questionnaires that he might have AD/HD.

  5. Is he bored with the work?  Sometimes if the work is too easy the child becomes bored and simply refuses to do it.  And if it's too hard, a gifted program may not be the right place for him.  If it's neither of these and he just hates homework, maybe work out some kind of reward system for when he does his homework?  Like a chart where you put stickers and when he gets X number of stickers he gets to choose where to go for a snack that evening or something?  I don't know.  My gifted 7 year old loves homework and does well on it.  He gets angry with me if I can't sit down with him to do homework right away when he gets home from school.  LOL

  6. He may be bored and needs something more challenging.  talk to his teacher about him skipping a grade.

  7. The best thing you can do is leave him alone ...then when he is ready he will want to learn ...if you keep pushing him he will use it to manipulate for his own reasons ...which is perfectly normal ....

    Stop making a big deal out of it ...

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