
I have a girl friend but their is another that is hotter and they are both in love with me ?

by  |  earlier

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my girl friend is about 5,4" and red hair with black highlights

other girl about 5,8" black hair and is really hott




  1. do what you think is best  to do  but i think you can go out with anyone you like  

  2. is hotter ?? ..what is the question again ?

  3. dont leave your girlfriend for a girl you just think is hot  

  4. get the hotter one man wtf.


    then get the hotter one and have your fun with her.

    then get another.


  5. I guess I need to know your definition of being in love.  The other girl is "infatuated" with you.  She doesn't know you as well as your girlfriend.  Later on in life, s*x appeal is only slightly important, if that is all you have in common, then you might as well kick it to the curb now.  Interests, passions, and personality all play into it.  If you are just in it for the s*x appeal, dump your gf and get your game on.  If you want a real relationship, then look further into the person than just their looks.

  6. Whichever one has the best personality.  Personality lasts forever.  

  7. Sometimes the hottest woman have the lousiest attitudes, while others can be great, just don't let looks alone decide for you, maybe you could date both for a while, then know which one you really like? Because if you dump your current girlfriend, you're

    A. burning your bridges and she'll make sure to tell everyone how "shallow" you are -whether it's true or not.

    B. Taking a real gamble that this new, hot girl is better, so be careful

  8. Whoa, there! Hold on a minute...☺

    Alright, from the sounds of it, you sound like a young man a whole lot more interested in looks than anything else in a girl... which isn't unusual. Think about this before you act on your impulse. This girl that you're dating... has she been loyal? Has she put up with a lot from you? Does she have good character? Does she treat you and your family well? If your answering 'yes', I wouldn't get rid of her so quickly. I wouldn't ask any of your friends for advice; not that you don't trust them, but they are probably around your age and would tell you what you want to hear, not what you may need to hear.

      I would not dump a girl for another just because the other is better looking, were I a guy. The 'hotter' girl may infact be sweeter, kinder and more genuine, but shouldn't you have found that out before you started dating this one?

       Judge them both by their character (i.e. honesty, loyalty, fun, sweet, kind etc.) and not by looks.

       Lastly, ask yourself; what will it say about your character if - or when☺- you choose this 'hotter' girl? Will - or do you- respect her? Could this entire situation turn into a mess?

       Be careful, and choose wisely... or try to☺.

      ~ 'Little Miss' ~

  9. go for the hotter one, and when she leaves you for a better looking guy..that will be super cool..

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