
I have a girlfriend but we dont have that much in common and she is stupid what should i do?

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I have a girlfriend but we dont have that much in common and she is stupid what should i do?




  1. Is she literally stupid?lol.

    If you break up with her,make sure not to use big words.

  2. Think of the reasons she became your girlfriend....if you can't then it is time to move on.

  3. If you love her, stay, and learn to love her flaws. If you don't, leave her.

    But let her down gently...please.

  4. Does she know you think of her as stupid? if she knows that you think of her as being stupid, well then she is very stupid for being with you.

    Now,  what the h**l are you doing with a girlfriend that you think is stupid? gee go to the  Mensa club and look for a date there.

  5. How is she stupid? Why would you fall for a stupid girl if you think she is stupid. Bottom line, if you're not happy, maybe she's not happy. Maybe it is time to break up...

  6. tell her that you are not happy because you don't have things in common.  ask her if she is willing to join you for things that you might enjoy togegther.  ask her if she has any ideas about how to have more in common, since you would really enjoy that.  tell her you are concerned because you need intelligent conversation and you don't enjoy her wit; ask her if she is willing to go to school or take some classes (withyou?) to learn more about the world.

  7. well... base on the fact that you just called her STUPID... you should break up with her... obviously the relationship isn't going anywhere so stop wasting her time.  

  8. i know your pain buddy. just say that you dont have anything in common and you want to break up. or if you want to stay together with her then try to do things that you both agree on.

  9. well if u dont want to break up with her

    talk to her about stuff

    and like get her a tutor


    but breakin up with her makes more sense

    so you can find someone with your interest  

  10. Break up with her gently.  

  11. You must be getting something from her.  I could speculate what it might be.

  12. break up with her  

  13. Break up with her...what else?

  14. hit it then quit it

  15. Marry her.. :o)

  16. Tell her that you feel it is best that you all split ways, wish her the best, and let her know that you think she is great

    She will most likely want to know why ~ tell her so you can move on but I might leave the part out about her being stupid Haaa

    Just tell her that you feel the two of you don't really have a lot in common and there is someone out there that is better suited for both of you

    Good Luck and it is better than dragging it out for both of you ;~)

  17. OH MY GOSH

    you are stupid for staying with her

  18. Break up with her...?

  19. Break up with her. There is no use in wasting hers and your time.

  20. i don't know, if she's stupid you could probly talk her into all kinds of kinky stuff

  21. if you really love her stay with her or else dump her

  22. LOL break up with her

  23. Brain,

    How did a smart guy like you get involved in the first place with this person?  What was the attraction?  

    This is what I'd do.  Write the pros in a column and the cons in one about her.  Whichever is the longest is your answer.  If there are too many cons, do yourself and her and favor.  Be kind and explain the situation.

    Which would be: "We don't have the same interest, therefore let's be friends only".  If she's too dumb to understand this, stop all communication with her.  When she does catch up with you, explain to her once again.  No common interest.  Tell her you can be bored by yourself.  But that you really do like her as a person.  

    Never take away from a person's pride.  Allow people the right to be who they are. They'll always remember you and respect you for this. She may be feeling the same way about you, but doesn't want to tell you.  Very well could be why you're getting the silent and dumb treatment from her.  She may not care what you think of her.  Girls are hard to figure out.  Be kind to her.  She will be to you in return.


  24. I think if you re-read your question you'll know what to do.  You shouldn't have to even think about it.  Clearly you're not invested, break it off

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