
I have a girlfriend in Romania and she would like to come here for our eventual marriage. Is it Difficult?

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I am older than her but we hit it off right away, she speaks fluent English but neither of us is rich.I am on Disability and she earns about 300 euros a month. WE really want to be together.someone told me that Romania charges high dollars for exit visas




  1. hi i`m from romania too .i suggest you to don`t do this :) and yes it`s difficult first she must go to ambasad in bucharest to give one interview but they will refuse her sure . they don`t let all kinds of people to do must prove there that you have one apartament on your one thing you must prove You have money.because they want to be sure you don`t do stupid things like ...go there and never come back and work on black money and stuff like this . if you want more information contact me.

  2. Go to for free information and advice.

    The first thing you have to do is prove you met her. If she can't get a tourist visa to visit you then you need to take a trip there. Before either of you invest in this make sure you are both aware of all the costs involved and the sponsorship requirements. It cost us about $3000 so far not counting sereral trips to spend time together and we still have another $1000 or so to pay in fees.

  3. I do not think that you will be able to prove that you can support her if she were to come to the US.  And the US authorities are leary of younger eastern Europeans wanting to marry older Americans because of immigration fraud.

  4. You met where?  How?  Chatroom?  You may be the victim of attempted marriage fraud.  And if "she" wants money for an "exit visa" then you are definitely the victim of a con.

    Since you are on disability, you do not qualify to sponsor someone for a fiance visa.  You will not meet requirements, to say nothing of raising red flags for wanting to marry someone much younger, and from Romania, where marriage fraud and various internet cons are rampant.  If you apply for a visa for her, you will be subjected to a marriage fraud investigation.

    See if she will sponsor your immigration to Romania since your disability benefits will go much further there.  If she drops you like a hot potato, you'll have your proof as to which way the wind is really blowing.  Be careful!

  5. Why does she need an exit Visa? And as the other answerers here said, there r a lot of people feigning love from needy countries, just to get a legal entry to the US. Make sure u r not setting urself up for eventual disappointment. Ask her to come visit you on a tourist Visa if she is THAT serious, and then see if u guys are made for each other. If you two still want to be together, marriage will not be too much of a problem, but getting her a legal status might be, being that she's from Romania, never been to the US, never met you in person, etc. Of course u'll have to prove to USCIS that u can support her coz she many not have a job immediately after coming to US.

    You guys really want to be together - for what? Just s*x or soilid partnership? If just physical, do it as tourists......why get into the meddle of marriage?

  6. Yes for many reasons.

    Romania is a red flag country for cash deals.

  7. I'm Romanian. Our country is beautiful, but the bad thing is that we have negative publicity... I have a cousin that's going to marry a German guy.

    If you are going to visit Romania just once, you'll love it, trust me.

  8. be very careful. it sounds dodgy to me having seen lots of the romanians littering the streets of this country. you sound like an easy route to a passport for her and then her family. by the time they have finished there will be about 80 of them

  9. Two years of communications by letters or emails. Every month you must at least 4 times contacting each other even it is 10 to 15 minutes. All these must be shown on your phone bills as evidence.

    You must also have witnesses to prove that your relationship with your fiancee are genuine.

    Please remember that the immigration office might ask you and your fiancee some very details problems.

    You may apply your fiancee on-line or go to the immigration office to fill some forms......

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