
I have a girlfriend that has wicked strict parents that have a problem with her dating so what should i do?

by Guest61971  |  earlier

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like should i try to get her to talk to her parents or should we just keep hiding it from them




  1. Get her to talk to them. Secrecy will only get in trouble eventually.

  2. she should talk to her parents, but she shouldnt tell them about you guys until there okay with her dating

    if there still not okay with it then your just gonna keep hiding it for now

  3. Respect her parents and gain their trust.

  4. well its very difficult.

    its very DANGEROUS to ask her to sneak out just to date with you.

    understand her condition!

    its the best if you do it in a nice way.

    talk to her parents politely, ask a permission.

  5. Concider one day you will be a father and how would you feel if your daughter sneeks around with guys?

    I know a guy who just became a dad to a little girl and he gets sooo mad when I call her my sons girlfriend because he says she will never date anyone till shes 30 haha!

    respect her parents ... if you really like this girl and shes worth it take it slow ... what the heck is the big rush?

    you dont want her parents banning you for life ... and dont believe the old school BS like Romeo and Juliet ... things never end up as romantic as that ...

  6. gain their trust by earning their respect. don't rush things. and def. DO NOT do things behind their back. talk to them about what u guys can and can't do.. etc..

  7. You can always ask her parents for permissions.  Parents love when their children's boyfriend/girlfriend ask permission.  (Take it from my parents' perspective).  However, if they choose to deny it, you have to move on, but be still with your girlfriend.

  8. i think that you BOTH should talk to her parents her to introduce you and you to be there to support her and to show to her parents that you are capable of taking care of their daughter .

  9. sooner or later they will find out. My older sister has this problem too. My parents are strict as h**l but they know she is dating but she is in college and it's her life so they leave him alone but when my dad sees him he acts mean and an a*****e to him. Try to get her to talk to her parents about dating, it's not even that big of a deal. How old are you guys? if you are young, thats not going to be easy but if your a high school student, im sure they will understand as long as your not doing anything bad with her. Just keep dating and see what happens, only time tells. If they disapprove, you can split but secretly still date....not an expert on this but i hoped i helped a little.

  10. Talk to her parents and show respect for them. If they still say know, respect their wishes and wait until she's 18.

  11. YOU should not do anything.  It is her job to talk to her parents when she is ready.  Sneaking around is going come back and bite you both.  Neither of you are going to like that at all.  

    Suggest that 'dating' take a back seat to friendship for a good while.  See each other only where it is appropriate and logical to do so.  School, church.  shared activities such as sports, or chorus.  Keep your hands in your pockets and not on her.  It will be hard but you can do it.  


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