
I have a glass weather barometer I need to fill with colored water. How do I know how much water to use?

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I have a glass weather barometer I need to fill with colored water. How do I know how much water to use?




  1. That would be a "Cape Cod Barometer".

    These respond to ambient temperature as well as the barometric pressure.

    Put enough water in it so that when you hang it up, the water in the "spout" part comes about halfway up.

    If the pressure gets low, and the temperature gets high, the water in the spout will rise, and when the pressure is high and the temperature low, the water in the spout will lower.

    It is sort of self adjusting for the volume of water in the bulb part. If the level in the spout goes too low, air will bubble in, and if it gets too high the liquid will overflow. The better quality ones have a drip catcher hanging below the U of the spout.

    Have fun. Ask a fisherman from Cape Cod how to read it.    

  2. Read the directions

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