
I have a good question. Here's the situation i sold my car to these kids. and he still owes me money, so?

by  |  earlier

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i keep trying to contact them. after a few times talking to these kids. one calls back and says that i was "talking s***" about him. and he told me that if i get any cops involved that him and his friends are going to show me how they do in his hood. LOL . soo if these kids come to my house with some kind of weapon, like a bat, knife, or gun. After i tell them to leave, and if they conitinue to come at me, well could i shoot them?




  1. Just call the police and tell them what is happening. I know it's tempting to he a hardass but imagine the amount of hassle it's going to cause if you did do that. It would be never ending legal stuff and if their family gets it in their head they want revenge it could go on for years.

    You really want that over the momentary satisfaction of taking out your frustration on some little ********. And in the end you'd probably end up feeling bad about it later.

    I'd say only shoot them if there is only absolutely no other way out and it's you or them. But it doesn't sound like that is the case. There's heaps of ways you could go about it, you've had plenty of warning.

  2. you have the right to defend yourself if your life is in danger. contact the police and tell them about what the kids said and what the situation is. if you want your money you might have to hire a lawyer

  3. If they show up at your house with weapons; you HAVE the right to shoot them if they refuse to leave. That's right, you have the right to protect yourself on your own property.

  4. You mean these kits are under-edge...Contracts & Agreements between Adults & under-edge are not valid...if was done with out parents  or lrgal guardian representation  and consent.   You done something very illegal...if any of these kits get heart driving this car in the near future before they become adults  ...the parents can sue you for damages- & medical or funeral expensses.- Also now the parents can sue you for harassement & any other charges they can think....If I was you  I will forget about this debt...and ask legal advise what you have to do to avoid any future lawsuits from those parents in case any of these children get heart using this car...Hope at least they have some kind of car insurance..

  5. What the heck were you thinking giving this kid a CAR without being paid in full, especially if was just a kid!!

    Do not get yourself in to such a state that your own life is at risk or where you could be seriously injured.

    It sounds like you used a really dodgy method to sell your car.

    Do you have he's details? You're going to have to involve the police but i can guarantee if you have no paperwork at all about this sale and what he owed, you're going to have to give up now and realize to not do it that way ever again.

    and dont shoot them!

    God you have really done a stupid thing.

  6. do not shoot them, if you think that they might hurt you then you should contact the police right now

  7. Sounds like you have " an itchy trigger finger Pilgrim". Hypotheticals have a way of materialising into reality if one isnt careful.

    The fact that you have aired your inner most thoughts on a  public forum showing a desire to kill, will not help you get off of a charge later.

    Dont skip any steps and do this legally. File report with Police, have your car repoed, files leins and if you are threatened or have been, report that with police also. You are going to put yourself into a trick bag otherwise but it kind of sounds like you want to.

  8. It depends on your state.  The fact that you are talking about it on YA could be used as evidence that you premeditated the shooting.  Otherwise, you could have taken only that action which is necessary to defend your life (and property in some states).  Now it looks like you are maneuvering them into a position where you can harm them.  

    File suit in small claims court.  They either won't show up and you can start filing liens and garnishments or they will and you can settle it without violence.

  9. h**l yeah you shoot em!  But I'd call the cops first, and maybe a lawyer.  If they're under 17, you can take their parents to small claims court, assuming you sold the car for under $5000.  If above that, your lawyer can tell you what to do.  Next time, if you didn't this time, get a contract signed defining the exact terms of payment!!

  10. why would u sell a car with out getting the full amount first.

  11. Go to the law!

  12. You can shoot them if they are on your property and threatening harm.

    That doesn't mean you necessarily should shoot them, but you can. They might come away from it a little wiser if you did.

  13. You have a right to defend your life.

    If they enter your premises with the intent or perceived intent to do you or your family bodily harm, you have a right to use force in defending yourself.

    However, if they break in on you and you shoot them in the back when they are trying to could face legal consequences.

    My advice is to take a loss. You allowed these guys to take a car on payments. There's your first mistake. Your second mistake is to allow them to take the car off of your property without payment in full.

    I guess you'll know better next time. You were trying to be a good guy. Some punks don't appreciate that.

    They may be blowing hot air when they threaten you, or maybe not.

    It's just not worth finding out.

    Good luck to you!

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