
I have a goose problem they won't leave our pond. Last year the pond was closed due to ecolie. Any sugestions?

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I have a goose problem they won't leave our pond. Last year the pond was closed due to ecolie. Any sugestions?




  1. Let the geese have their pond and go get a doughboy pool.

  2. You can hire a service to chase them away.  What ever you do, do not attempt to do this yourself.  Geese are protected migratory water fowl and harming them is a federal offense.

  3. Whose is the pond and where are you? If in the UK and they are Canada Geese taking over, then pricking the eggs or substituting ceramic ones might help cut the numbers down, but check it out with the county wildlife trust or TSPB first.

  4. Thanksgiving is coming...Invite all your friends over for the feast.

  5. I used to have a goose problem, too.  We got look-a-like statues of coyotes and foxes and put them up near the pond and the geese would not come anywhere near the pond.  Fake swans also work, because geese dislike swans.  

    One of those suggestions will definitely work.

  6. Dogs.

  7. Call your local zoo or wildlife agency (not animal control). I've dealt with gees. They are NOT like big ducks. You need to have someone with the expertise remove them to a wildlife sanctuary or other appropirate place.

    Which I STRONGLY reccommend. Left alone, geese are not aggressive.  Provoked, they are--and are big enough to seriously injure a pet or small child.

    Your other alternative is yeild the pond to the geese for as long as they want it--they are very territorial that way.

  8. This may not be possible where you are, but I would try a shotgun.  Number 6 shot ought to do it, then enjoy dinner.  If you are more sporting, perhaps a Marlin in .243 at 100 yards, of if you really want to make a challenge out of it, use a pistol, .38/.357 or 9mm is good and try to get within 50'.

  9. If I were you I would call your closest wildlife agency to move them. Or you could get fake foxes, coyotes, dogs, or what ever you want. But don't mess with them yourself because you will get hurt or you will hurt them.

  10. I think that the geese were there first, perhaps you should leave their pond alone?  Ugh, Mankind thinking that they own everything, isn't this question posted in conservation?

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