
I have a grand daughter that will be 1 year old soon....?

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Her dad is in a popular heavy metal band in Pheonix. For her 2 month b-day, I got her a play guitar. I was thinking about getting her a real little electric guitar with a stand and small amp I saw on Ebay. More of a symbolic gift and who knows when she gets that stupid? I would get a few other little things that she needs too of course. What do you think?




  1. Musical gifts are only stupid if you plan on keeping them at your house.

    Otherwise-go Granny! Be the one to buy her the first guitar!

  2. I think the guitar would be just a little out of line right now.  Maybe she won't even be interested in music.

  3. I think that is very nice

  4. i think that would be awesome, and who knows it could end up being the gift that helps to form the father-daughter relationship. he could teach her to play(if she wants) and it could end being "their thing" Way to go grandma!! Wanna be my grandma? LOL

  5. I think it would be a more meaningful gift when she understood what it is. If you give it to her now, it gets stuffed in a closet, and when it comes out in a few years it won't be as special.

  6. I think you should wait until she is a bit older to understand it is special.  At that age, all they want are toys.  Why not get her other toy instruments for now like toy drums/percussion.  That might not be what her dad plays, but they could "play" music together.  When she is older, she will appreciate the guitar more.

  7. its sounds adorable, my only concern would be (because i ended up having a child who would do this  - none of my others would have though) is that its electric - she could put her mouth on the strings etc and maybe hurt herself?  or also, could it be too loud for her little ears?   I might wait till she's a bit older and then could appreciate it more and rock out with her dad a bit!!

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