
I have a great horned owl eating from my flocks of chicks&dks need a repellent,my answer 12 gauge shotgun,?

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there is also a law that says,i have a right to protect my property,land and or fowl . i not usally a inumane person,but this bird has to go,any more smart answers.




  1. Either put a roof on a chicken  wire coop or stake out some old Cd's tied in the center so they spin with the breeze and catch the sun's reflections to keep the owl away.

    Yes, I have seen owl's on branchs in the mornings.

    Owl's and Hawks are looking for easy prey and unless you protect your chickens as you should, you are providing food for all birds of prey.

  2. That is why they build a chicken house, to keep flying predators from swooping down and killing them.

    Just put a roof over them so the owls can't see them from the air.

    Don't kill the owl, you could end up in federal prison.

  3. If the area is fence, you can run kite string criss-crossed across the pen, from fence post to fence post..Or, even put in stakes to run kite string across the tops. Birds of prey won't swoop down where string is strung, as they can't get back out easily with their talons full of prey.

    That is how we protected our flocks from the hawks and owls.


    There are NO laws that allow you to kill a raptor without obtaining a permit.

  4. I would make an enclosure for my chickens to protect them from aerial attacks and then sit back and feel blessed to be able to see a Great Horned Owl. I used to live in the Aussie bush and my flock of chickens was occassionally reduced by either eagles, falcons, carpet snakes and even once by a Quoll - I felt the occassional chicken was a fair price to see such beautiful wild creatures in my own back-yard.

    Please only use your shotgun on injured critters that cant be saved.

    If you live in Australia, it is illegal to kill native wildlife!

  5. You have to do what ever it takes to keep your flock safe. A dog to guard them won't work sinse they can't jump high enough. No you are probably right about the shot gun, but I don't know how well your local law enforcemenet will like you shooting off a gun in your town or county. If at all possible you could place your chickens in a coop with a roof or top on it.

  6. Uh I think It Illegal to kill great horned owls in the United States. if you shoot it your going to prison.and you feel sorry for the rest of your life that you shot a living thing illegally.Dont shoot Owls If you want shoot something shoot pigeons not owls.You made a dumb mistake.

  7. Put chicken wire over the top of your pen.It's a federal offense to harm a bird of prey.It probably has young and is just taking advantage of your unprotected chickens.If I knew where you lived,I would report you to the Division of Wildlife. Great Horned Owls are beautiful birds,you should consider yourself lucky to have them around,and you can be sure that they kill a lot more rodents than they do chickens.

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