
I have a great idea for a new product, how do I know if it already exists?

by Guest56806  |  earlier

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Or if someone else already has a patent?




  1. I guess there a place, where you can go and ask, if it's already patent, and how to patent it,,,,,,

  2. First do several searches on the internet to see if you can find it or something similar.  If you don't find it search for patents.

    good luck.

    By the way, I'm a design engineer and frequently get asked by family members and friends to do searches and help them design for prototype and manufacture.  Drop me a note if you

    are interested in getting some help.  Currently I'm busy with a motor design for a friend but if yours is relatively simple I might be able to help. Don't rush into trying to file for a patent it may not be a worth while option for your idea

  3. Ah, the old patent search. An area of our great country monopolized and promptly driven into the dirt by lawyers. Good luck, it will cost you a bundle to find out.

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