
I have a great social life and great friends on the weekend.?

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But during the week I kinda start to feel bored and empty, because I just can't BS with my friends. Even if its just for a little bit I wish I could just get out of my house and chill, but this being high school people rarely have the time. So my question is how do you or your kids deal with this?




  1. My kids have the same issues! They drive me nuts sometimes because once they are done with schoolwork they get so bored cause their friends are still in school. I usually offer to give them more work to keep them busy but they always turn me down! :P

  2. That largely depends on your area.

    I'm a city kid, and most of my friends aren't in school so it's not an issue for me. If I get bored, I pay two bucks, hop on the subway and meet up with some buddies.

    I'm sure this was incredibly unhelpful.

    In your case, try finding some other homeschoolers who are available. You don't have to be the greatest friends ever, but there's nothing wrong with a last-ditch acquaintance.

  3. Wait for them to get out of school!  It doesn't take all day, sure you may be finished before they are.  Find something to keep you occupied until you can hang out with them at night.  Get a hobby.  I'm sure you can find something.

  4. Could you meet up with your friends for lunch even if they have to go back to classes afterwards?

  5. dude, i know what you mean. i'm homeschooled too... and i feel the same way. what i do is make plans with my friends. like, i'll txt my best friend and plan out what we're gonna do on the weekend. since i'm homeschooled, my friends are really cool about spending time with me. so if you have friends like this, just give them a txt or a call saying like, how you guys should hang on the weekend. and also, how i get through this is because i live NEXT DOOR to my best friend. therefore we can walk the dogs and hang out after school. and also, my friends that DON'T live near me, make an effort to come to my house after school. just, talk to your friends about it. maybe make a homework type get together at your house? so they can get their stuff done, and you guys can all be together. again, i feel your pain, and i wish you the best of luck!

  6. Idk- I just deal. I wanted to go to highschool, but my parents wouldn't let me. I have NO social life what so ever. It sucks.

  7. Are there not any homeschool groups in your area? Many of the homeschooled teens I know get together with homeschooled teens during the day (not necessarily every day, but often) and other friends on evenings or weekends. And while you might not be able to 'chill' with friends during the week, you could always get out of the house and go work out, get a job, volunteer...

  8. That can be different for each family depending on where you live, rural, suburbs, or in the city.

    Our children choose to work, volunteer, and take classes out side the home while finishing their high school work.

    When we need a break we take it, and go recreate; sometimes you just have to make the time to fish, bike, hike, picnic, swim, play sports, go to a park, and so on.

    Find something you are interested in, and enjoy yourself.

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