
I have a green iguana that i adopted because it had a broken tail and no one wanted it, i need a bigger cage?

by Guest60494  |  earlier

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if anyone has one that they want to get rid of for free i would pay for the shipping, and my iguana would be a lot happier with a bigger cage but i can't afford to buy one? can anyone help i would really apprieciate it.




  1. make one out of  plywood a chicken wire

  2. how big is your cage?

  3. Ok get em settled then research for three weeks at least

    Getting it settled in an area

    A cage is something really hard to get, i'm guessing it's small so make a cage thats 4x4 or 5x5.there are many ways to make cages, like these:

    Trust me its better to make then buy.

    In the cage it would be best if it had its own sheltered area

    like a wooden shelf with a roof. Put many logs, make sure it can hide among green vines and leaves ( fake, make sure its non toxic )

    My cage had 2 floors, i seperated the cage in to two , i put a screen and I put a hole in the screen so it could climb up the next floor ( with a branch ) the branch was used as stairs or a way to climb up to the next floor. You can customize your cage in different ways too.

    In the meantime, try to get a hold of vitamins and I want you to feed the ff


    Collard greens

    Dandelion greens



    Green peas

    Mustard greens




    You will need to improve the diet later on this is not the best.

    When you finally get the cage its best to give them private time for 1 1/2 week, just feed it and do the neccesities. No handling, barely clean,make it COMPLETELY  PEACEFUL AND UNDISTURBED...

    I like what youre doing helping a creature in need, ask evanessence_fr3ak for the right research materials


    Oh yeah no tanks it could overheat and it cant get unfiltered light.

  4. Check your local freecycle...  

    My local one always has cages/tanks.

    You can also check your local    

    Good luck!

  5. Aww poor guy/gal ... Thanks for adopting

    You don't say what that SVL/STL is, nor the approx age.

    Regardless you do need to provide a good sized enclosure for the iguana. There are many things you can recycle around your house that you can use.

    If you want to build just an enclosure for the iguana thats not too fancy looking, you can use wood (make sure non toxic) or pvc pipe, mesh (no chicken wire), add some shelves and call it good. Of course also needing the UVB tubes, heat, humidity.

    You can build a somewhat non pretty enclosure for $500 or less. If you recycle old furnature, spend the money for a good sealer you could spend less then $100.

    Shipping can be very pricing, you could put the money that youd be putting into shipping for materials to build a cage.

    When moving an ig from one space to another, he/she may take awhile to relax when they first move in, so you may get tail whips from moving. Moving can cause stress for some igs.

    Sites for you to read: - -

    A great book to read and have on hand:

    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

  6. ask friends and family................ id give you mine then id have nothing to put McLovin in.

    also thanks for adopting the iguana      .... id adopt it if i saw it just because it looks different  its tail will grow back, thanks again for taking it in to your life

  7. I got a HUGE tank off craigslist for my iguana for 25 bucks. Try Put in your state and city and it'll have a listing of people around you sellin never might find what your lookin for for cheap!

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