
I have a grey substance on my grass?

by  |  earlier

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When you pull a blade of grass out of the ground it looks like a bunch of grey eggs . . . and if I kick it, a dust looking substance blows out.. Any ideas?




  1. grey sooty mold. fungicide

  2. It's probably powdery mildew.

    Iowa State University/photos

    Powdery Mildew on Lawns

    According to the link above it's not necessary to do anything but trim the trees for more sun and less shade.

    Here is a bonus answer....LoL!

    Scroll down and read all of the things you can use this for.

    Fels Naptha Soap

    I buy mine at a ACE hardware

    This product is excellent for powdery mildew

    ***************See Below**************

    Although the package appears to be for insects only it is used for many things including some types fungi.

    It's the least harmful of the products on the market it comes in 5% and 10% strengths..  If used according to directions it can be used on dogs for fleas.

    Most garden centers carry it.

    Scroll  about half way down page

    Sevin Dust

    Sevin Concentrate

    Sevin with Hose End Sprayer

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