
I have a gross question sorry! For the past two weeks I have had a problem with these little bitty ?

by Guest33251  |  earlier

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baby roaches in my bathroom. I never had a roach problem before and have been living in my home for 10 years now. The thing is they are in my bathtub or on the floor on side of the toilet. At any given time day or night if you walk in there is a few in tub and or on the floor. They have not gone past the bathroom. Where could they be coming from? I covered the drain in the tub with a rubber stopper but are still seeing them. Does anyone know where and why these things all of a sudden just started coming into my home. No new neighbors no empty houses. Also, they don't look like they are baby dirty roaches. They have a different look, like baby cockroaches. HELP!




  1. i have the same problem. i live in a trailer so i believe mine are coming from the air vents on the floor, or a friend carried some in from their house. i've laid a couple sticky traps down and they work pretty well. dont try Riddex, it dosnt work well at all

  2. poor bleach in your drains sink,toilet and tub. If that don't work call someone to spray it don't cost that much.

  3. Call an exterminator before it gets worse. They can come from basically anywhere...

  4. They can still come up through the overflow drain in the tub or sink. Try some Borax or Boric Acid down the drain. You can find Borax with the cleansers or Boric Acid at the pharmacy counter, just ask for it, if they don't have it onhand then they can order it. Both are non-toxic and safe to use around animals and children.

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