
I have a guitar but my finger tips hurt so much?

by  |  earlier

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whenever i play my finger tips hurt really bad after a while of playing my guitar i would like to know if there are some kind of finger tip guards so the when you play the don't hurt or get numb of playing to much




  1. You need to play through the pain.You are creating callouses on your fingertips.After a couple months the pain will stop and your fingers will feel fine.I have been playing guitar for over 30 years and I went through what you are going through.All of the great guitar players will tell you the same thing.Ignore the pain and things will get better.

  2. There is a big difference between playing a REAL guitar and playing an air guitar or guitar hero... and the MAIN difference is.. you have to build up CALLOUSES on your fingertips... it's all a part of learning how to play guitar and you just have to keep at it until you get callouses on your fingertips... it takes a couple of months before your fingertips won't hurt as much... but it never completely goes away.

  3. Pain with pride, man. No Pain, No gain. You got to hold it...or just use a pick...but if you play fingerpicking, then just keep playing like you play now, and you will get use to it...I promise, it wont hur anymore, only if you keep playing like you do now...

    Hope this helped!


  4. Eventually, if you keep playing, your finger tips will strengthen up and you will build callouses. These are absolutely necessary to be a good guitar player, so even if finger guards do exist, I don't believe you should invest in them. It's honestly going to suck for a while, and it will get to the point where your callouses are starting to form and the skin will peel a little. When they finally form, not only do they help you play for long periods of time, they feel really cool lol

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