
I have a guy problem. want to help?

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I like this guy. he's about a year older than me. He lives a few states away but he might be coming to my state for college. I met him a few years ago, and then saw him again this summer and we hung out. This guy flirts with every girl and he really likes women. We were on the beach alone one night and we really seemed to click...

the problem is I am really shy and I flirt with him, but I'm unsure if he wants to actually try a relationship or if he just wants to have fun. I'm not even sure if he is interested in me or just thinks I'm hot. I know I should be more bold and just ask him, but honestly I am afraid of rejection. I'm sorta pessimistic like that. hehe XD

Sorry this was so long. I've been thinking about it for more than a week. Thanks anyone who helps :)




  1. you should definitely try to start something

    And its great that you clicked :), its ok if your shy its just mean

    that your interested and he prolly thinks thats cute


    Get your courage going, and talk to him

    and if things doesn't work out sweetie theres

    other fishes in the sea

  2. Don't expect anything more than what there already is between you.  Like you said, he is a big flirt, and is probably just having fun.  

    He obviously likes you and enjoys your company and there is no reason why you shouldn't still just enjoy his.  Enjoy the relationship you have with him right now.  

    If there's more to it, it will show later on.

    You don't want to ruin the relationship you have now by being too bold and finding out he just wanted to be good friends.

  3. Ok sooo you really like him and you are not sure about his feelings toward you?

    i think you really need to get things straight. Talk with him.He is going to college and you know HIM+COLLEGE GIRLS=???? (yeah it kinda makes you think) well make sure you get EVERYTHING Cleared out before he puts you down ok take it slow and he might just be a player who knows?

  4. Send me a picture I'll tell you if it's just because you're hot!

    J/k totally kidding;-)

    But really, If you have the personality of being afraid of rejection then it might no be a good relationship at all. If he already has the habit to flirt with everyone, How will this effect a relationship in the future?

    He might be a really fun guy and can click or relate easily with people. This usually is the attribute of one who is flirtatious. It would be hard to read signals. But if you really think there is something between you guys. Go for it. it is better then teasing yourself with a leading on friend ship!  

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