
I have a habit of drinking Cold Water with lots of ice during the day...?

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and after every meal....does this cause indigestion or other problems? Did I fail to mention I do it because I love eating all the ice chips.




  1. No lol but you should drink it before your meal if you want to eat less.  

  2. No, drinking lots of cold water does not adversely affect your health.  I, too, drink easily a gallon of cold water every day.  I love it!  I don't chew ice anymore, though, because my dentist said it was bad for my teeth.  Be careful!  You want those choppers to last another 70-80 years, right?

  3. Many folks I know from Europe will not drink very cold water.  They say it causes stomach problems.  I do know that my digestion works better when I drink cool water with dinner, not ice cold.

    Chewing ice is a great way to get a frown from your dentist.

  4. Nothing wrong with drinking Ice Water.  It actually makes your body burn calories to heat up the water.  The only problem would be your dentist.  Tell him you like eating ice chips and see if he doesn't throw a fit.

  5. Please see my answer below

  6. that is one of the signs of being anemic. u should check it out  

  7. I do the same thing! I don't think its harmful or anything. It can cause throat problems once in a while, but nothing more. I LOVE icy cold water!  

  8. Well chewing on ice chips is not good for your teeth, but other than that, it is very good for you.

    No it wouldnt cause indigestion!  It will only help any issues with your body.

      I work with doctors who have said drinking water ice cold will help your body burn more calories, because your body has to work harder to warm it up.

  9. most ridiculous questions I've heard.  Water is the #1 best thing and purest element you can put into your bad. Why do you think they only give ice chips to women in labor.  Stop being so neurotic.

  10. Drinking cold water is actually a trick that some body builder use to burn some extra calories - your body has to work harder to increase the water's temperature to match that of your body's so that it can be processed. You may actually lose a little bit of weight by drinking iced water and heck it is great that you are on the waters rather than the sodas!

    It shouldn't create any problems with regard to indigestion unless you gulp it down in double quick time!

    Hope this helps!

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