
I have a hair question........?

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OK..this souns stupid but how do you put those hair rollers in ? i meani know how to put them in and stuff but i mean like when? do you do it when your hair is wet or dry? and what can i put in it to make my hair stay curly?

these are the hair rollers im talking about:

thank you in advance =]




  1. Put them in when your hair is damp. And i like to blow dry them (on low) while there in the curlers. I don't know why, but it works.  And there is a lot of curl boosting hair products. Most work.

  2. Best way to curl ur hair without curlers and makes it more natural and wavy is have ur hair wet and put them into 2 braid half of your hair in each leave for 1-3 days depending on how curly or wavy u want and it looks movie star good!

    But note leave them in for at least 1 night!

  3. if their just regular rollers i wouldnt put them in when your hairs wet. especially not if their hot rollers. haha. you could probably put hairspray in when you have them in, unless their hot rollers, but im not sure. yeah you should be able to put hairspray in. then id leave them in at night and when you wake up take them out and put some more spray in . yeeppp. also, id consider using a hair curler . ahahah.

  4. Let your hair towel dry and then put them in when your hair is damp (if you twist your hair and any water droplets fall, you need to let it dry some more).

    Try using an anti-frizz or smoothing cream before putting them in. In my experience, the velcro rollers made my curls very frizzy.

    After you take them out (when your hair is completely dry), use some hairspray.

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