
I have a hamster question.?

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Hi everybody!

I have a male robo dwarf hamster named Lester. I just got him this today at Petsmart: (it's the one on the left) and as you see, the tube connects to the cage and when your hamster goes up it, it leads to a bed/hide-out type thing. I want to put something different on the bottom of it to make my hamster like it more. So I was thinking, what if I used some grass from my yard, baked it in the microwave, let it cool, and put it in the bed/hide-out. Would it be safe for him to nibble and maybe eat a little bit? Because I don't want to use normal bedding or shredded paper, I want something cool. When I get my allowance in two weeks I'm going to have my mom drive me to Petsmart and see if they have some Timmothy Hay to replace the grass. But, if I could use grass, that would be great!

Thanks in advance!!




  1. You can give them fresh grass to chew on, but not heated grass. And Timmothy Hay should be eaten only the way it's packaged.

    PetSmart and PetCo's hould have something called a Snack Shack. It's basically what your looking for, and it comes in 4 diffrent sizes.

    Get one of those.

  2. I would be very cautious about using yard grass because it can get contaminated with chemicals and pollutants.  If any pesticide or herbicide has been put in your yard lately (weed killer, bug killer, animal repellent, ANYTHING like that) do NOT use it, period.  If you know the yard has not been treated with chemicals, it should be safe.  Just use the grass from farther back away from the road.

  3. I wouldn`t do it.  To be safe, wait until you get your allowence and then get it something.  Ask whoever works there your idea and see what he/she thinks.

  4. No! don't nuke the grass...if your going to do anything just use it fresh

    use some hay..and for your hamster to have some fun make a sting of popcorn and hide treats in the hay

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