
I have a hard drive from an old comp the old comp dose not work but hd still works how would i get ride of ?

by  |  earlier

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the operating system so in other words the old hd is blank and i can use it as a 2nd hard drive and is it just a case of put the leads from old hd in motherboard and power lead or do i need to do more so the comp knows which hd to load extra




  1. Simple as that, yeah. You'll probably need to reinstall the Operating System, though. This is to partition the drives so the Operating System recognises it.

  2. Format it, either move the jumpers to use as a slave and then recognise it in the bios then you can format it or use as a single drive load a boot disk and format from there

  3. Remove the jumper to new hard disk

    then connect to the system

    go to os level and set like...

    Mention the old hard disk as a master drive

    New one is primary drive

    then restart your pc...

  4. format the disk and don't install the operating system then install the hd as normal.

    To boot the correct disk you will need to enter the bios and look for the boot sequence. Make sure the first boot device is either cd/dvd rom or the hard drive with the os installed.

    You will want the HD with the OS installed higher in the seqeunce otherwise it will not load.

  5. on the back of the old HD there will be what's called 'jumpers' with a small plastic thing over some small pins, u need to move the small plastic thing so the HD is in 'slave' mode (there should be a diagram on the disk it's self)

    then plug the old drive into a spare cable in your current comp and as long as things in the BIOS are good it should appear as another drive under 'my computer'

    then u can format it or do whatever u like to it  

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