
I have a hard time sharing about myself

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I don't like talking about myself. I usually givr one or two word answers to questions. I also ask people questions (usually the same ones they ask me) or diff ones based on their responses. I also say congrats or give advice or understanding. The only friend I have is Mom. People ignore my messages. Is this why? Please help? Also, ppl try to talk to me when they see me like nothing happened? Why?




  1. Perhaps it is because they do not get you.

    The next time you are asked a question, perhaps give a longer reply, not just a one or two word reply. It may not be your intention, but you may be giving off an unfriendly vibe?

    Perhaps other people need to know more about you? In their eyes, nothing has happened.

    I am like you in that I do not share much about myself, but I do share my opinions and views. That way people can connect with me. If I want some space to be by myself, I just go somewhere alone.  

  2. well your talking about your self naw so


  4. You just sound very shy. People are just bored of you. Stop worrying about how you're perceived and live a little.

  5. sounds as if you need a confidence boost. it may be that people ignore your messages because if you dont think you are important then you are giving off a negative (kick me) vibe.

    go get some therapy or see a life coach to help with your confidence and self esteem building. and well done you for chancing feeling bad or rejected if no one answered this question.


  6. I think you have a low self esteem which many people see as being "shy".

    Are you giving 1 or 2 word answers to the questions because the question makes you feel awkward?

    Instead of asking people these same questions they ask you why dont you try and talk about subjects you have an interst in with people? that way you will have an opportunity to build up conversation.

    Its important to be youself. People respond to confidence, look the person in the eye, be genuienly interested in what they are saying.

    Its hard to make good friends, just give yourself time and try to approach people with similar interests to you.

    Good luck :)

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