
I have a have a spider bite and it is swollen. How do i treat it?

by Guest60223  |  earlier

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it hurts, its numb, and its swollen and i put a bunch of rubbing alchol, put a ice pack on it, put a warm rag on it, and put cream on it but nothing happen. how do i make the pain go away and the swelling go down?




  1. go to the ER before you get any more symptoms... sound like i might be a hobo bite...

  2. I don't know what kind of "cream" you put on it. It may be infected. Is it reddish? If so, just go to the Dr. If you have antibiotic ointment, wash the area with soap and water, use alcohol and then the ointment. Give it 24 hrs. to improve, if it doesn't then call the Dr.  

  3. Did you see the spider/ insect? Well very few such bites are indeed  serious, Brown Recluse/Black Widow are the worst of them on the East Coast, and these are very rare and 99% non life threatening. All bites from spiders usually involve venom in minute quantities, your body fights back, and there is your swelling and pain. Ice, elevation, motrin, and time. If site grows much larger in 24 hrs, redness climbs up limb, swelling of whole effected body part occurs, or other discoloration - see MD.  

  4.   Depending on what kind of spider bit you.    I would go the ER now and let the Dr.'s check out the wound.    

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