
I have a high pitched voice.............?

by Guest61971  |  earlier

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And I want to play on Xbox live using a headset (I'm a boy) and I have a high pitched voice would I get teased for this?????,Would you tease me???




  1. just put your age two 3 and no one willl care

  2. Your balls have to drop one day

  3. I would.

  4. I'd only tease you and how badly you played

  5. Is there not a voice changer option for the 360?

    There's one one on the ps3 so you can change the pitch of your voice, I don't know if there's one for the 360. If there is one, use that if you're worried that you'll get laughed at - I wouldn't laugh, but there are people out there who might.

  6. If you start using it a lot YES!!

    No really just forget about it do whatever just don't annoy people.

  7. a lot of people on xbox live will make fun of you however, i went through that to but i eventually found a group of people that didnt care what i sounded like

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