
I have a hockey card collection i want to sell?

by  |  earlier

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the thing is that local stores are not being realistic but trying to rip me off.

what should i do.




  1. You could try selling them on Craigslist, or Ebay. Ebay is going to charge for the use of their service, but I believe Craigslist is free. The only other way would be to find someone you know who will buy them, or advertise in the paper. Your local stores aren't going to give you the amount they are worth. They have to make a profit, so usually that means they will want to pay no more than 50%, or half, of the actual value of the card. Then they turn around and sell it for the full value, or higher (if it is a high interest card). I stopped going to the card shops a long time ago. Too many were rip offs, not in it for the pleasure of collecting, but more interested in how much money they could make in it. I can see their side of it. They are providing a service, and the cost of rent, insurance, and other things has to be figured in. But too many are just too serious about the money, and don't promote the hobby itself. My breaking point came when a young kid was trying to sell a card to a shop while I was in there. The shop wouldn't give him hardly anything for the card. The kid said "But it's a mint card". The shop said "Kid, there's no such thing as a mint card". Thing was, this shop had every card for sale with a mint price shown, which told me the only mint cards for the shop were all of the cards they sold. I got fed up and left. The guy didn't need to be such a butthead about it. Once in awhile, I wander into a shop, but I stay away from them mostly. Card shows are much better, and there's some booths who still care about the hobby enough to stay honest.

  2. Sell your very rare and valuble cards on ebay or something and then put all ur others in a case labeled something like "100 hockey cards" and sell those on ebay also. ppl wont know what is in the case so they can be worth more.

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