I had a lump and redness and swelling as well as peeling skin on my breast, about 2 inches above my nipple. It was perfectly round and not painful unless I touch it.
After going to the GP, I took the antibiotics he gave me (he didn't think it was cancer or anything) and since, it has burst...producing a green and bloody discharge. I presume it was just a cyst or abyss/infection.
The trouble is, now there is a very deep and rather wide crater in my breast. It is about as wide as a pencil. It has stopped bleeding, but there is still a lump under the skin.
I am moving to Milan on Tuesday, and I don't want t have any issues, but then again I wont be able to get a doctors appointment before I go.
Is it likely to heal on its own, or will it need stitches or something? It is quite sore now it has burst.