
I have a home loan through IndyMac Bank. What will happen to it now that the company is going under?

by Guest63052  |  earlier

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I have a home loan through IndyMac Bank. What will happen to it now that the company is going under?




  1. Nothing, really.  your loan will be eventually sold by the bankruptcy Receiver to another bank.  you may make payments to the Receiver in the meantime, but for you, life goes on...

  2. The feds are going to come in and prop Indymac up long enough for another investor to come in and take over their mortgage holdings. Until this happens, you will pay your mortgage to the same people at the same address you always have. At some point, you will receive a letter saying that company XYZ is now servicing your mortgage, and to make payments to this new name and address.

  3. Your debt will be sold to another creditor for less than it is and you will pay them most likely

  4. They will sell your loan to someone else.

    Sorry, you still have to pay.

  5. another company will get the servicing rights on your loan --until notified just keep paying as usual but make your payments to Indy Mac Federal Bank

  6. The fed will probably sell your loan to another company...I don't think it will really hurt you at all.

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