
I have a horse I would like to barrel race !?

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OK so I have this horse who would be a great barrel racer but he will not switch leads for me! Is there something i could do to get him to lead change???




  1. in barrel racing its all about gallop and run, switching leads is the least of the worries, at least for me when i barrel race.

  2. To teach lead changes:

    Work in a rectangular space.  First do simple changes, through the trot, in the middle of a figure 8.  Be easy in that you don't constantly work the pattern.  Let the horse relax in the new lead down the straight away and then get back to the drill.  Give some kind of reward when the simple change is neatly accomplished.

    Set up a pile of pole or logs in the center such that when practicing a figure 8, you would go over the poles (12 in. off the ground is about right).  Lope a circle or two (or three in the beginning) going inside the poles (but about the same location as one of the loops of the fig. 8).   When you lope the last circle before you plan to change direction over the poles, step into the outside stirrup noticeably with each stride.  Over the poles, lift the NEW inside hand up, and markedly step in the NEW outside stirrup (hard).  

    If the horse doesn't get it continue the lope, stepping in the outside stirrup.  When you go over the poles for the second time REALLY step out and lift the inside hand up.  The horse should get it, but if it doesn't don't let him cheat and trot, continue - making it uncomfortable.  A LITTLE speed sometimes makes this easier.

    When the horse DOES get it, make sure there is an immediate reward.  This can be relaxing and loping easily with a verbal reward, letting the horse stop and eat grass or given a treat, but make sure the horse continues on the lead, preferably in a relaxed manner.  You can always get the horse to go forward, but you never want them anxious about the change.

  3. Changing leads is extremely important in barrel racing. If your horse does not change leads between the first and second barrel he/she will be unable to make the turn correctly and you'll end up either way wide or crashing the barrel.

    Emile offered a great way to teach your horse to change leads.

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