
I have a horse in heat

by  |  earlier

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I think my female is in heat. She turns her butt towards the male and lifts her tail. My problem is she has a sac hanging out of her. It just started this afternoon. When I went out to feed them I noticed it. Been talking to family and friends about it no one has ever seen this before? The vet will be out in the morning sometime. My sister called me and said something about over abundance of estrogen. Has anyone heard of that? Just wanted some imput because Im worried about her and its hard to wait till morning to see whats going on. thx




  1. Her actions  indicate that she is in "season" or will be coming in soon. The sac may be a prolapse of some sort. It is very difficult to diagnose without being able to see it. If it is a prolapse, they are typically something the vet can easily fix.  

  2. god no

    that's not right

    there's goes my breakfast, good bye cereal and milk


  3. That probably wasn't her first heat...

    This looks like she's having a miscarriage of an early fetus.  

    Some fillies/mares it's very difficult to tell when they're in heat.  She's probably been covered earlier this year.  At this age, abortion is the usual (and best!) result - they're just not developed enough to carry the foal.

    Has she been in with any colts?  Time to take them away.

  4. Pics?

  5. im sure shell be fine

    is it like white nasty goo stuff? cause thats what our mares get sometimes...itll go away in a few days.

    turning their butts towards males is what ya call a ho move!

    lolll shell prob be fine, maybe you should get a marble put in her so she doesnt get in heat, ask your vet about it

  6. That is a sign of being in 'season'

    I would like to see a photo...but not sure what this sack is you are talking about.

    To post a can go to this site...

    Click the browse will take you to your documents or My pictures.  Find the photo you on 'open'

    Then back on the 'upload now' tab.  Once the photo uploads...look for the 'links'.  You want to click on the 'direct link'.  Copy that and paste it in your question or answer.

    Hope that helps you.

    **EDIT...WOW!  I have no idea what that is!  It looks like a perfectly round 'ball' in the bottom of that.  I'm very curious as to what the vet says it might be.  Prolapse is what I would think too...but of what??  Please come back and edit and let us know what your vet said.  Awesome you got a photo so your vet could see what you are talking about.

  7. yes she is in heat, but i'm not quite sure what the sac is.
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