
I have a horse who always puts his head down and bucks in a canter how do i stop that

by Guest59970  |  earlier

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i know when is is about to do it so haven't fallen yet. i have had him on the long rein and i think he is unbalanced, i just ride for pleasure but it is becoming a bit of a pain. can anyone help??




  1. Well for one he is Not Unbalanced, You are Hon!

    You better start learn how to sit proper in the saddle in the canter ,,

    Horse will buck when they feel No weight in he saddle and when the rider is not going with him

    I would like to see you get some Riding lessons

    before he learns how to buck for the fun of it all the time,,


  2. yo i had thu sam issue try a martingale or shorter reins at thu canta

    ya digg?

    BrAnDy OuT

  3. This could be caused by several issues, first I would contact a vet to ensure the horse is not bucking because he is in pain, next would be a talk with my dentist to make sure his teeth aren't at the root of the problem, I'd follow that with an examination of saddle fit.  If all this turns up no reason for bucking then I would begin a retraining regimen, before cantering use transitions to ask your horse to sink down in his hind end and free up his front, practice moving up and down in transitions and as he becomes more responsive try 'skipping steps' for example, instead of transitioning from walk to trot to canter, try to transition from walk to canter, this requires him to lift his front end to transition and will balance him better than allowing him to run into it from the trot.  You can also use the halt and reverse to get him on his hind end, try halting along the rail and backing up, halt again then move forward at the walk and then ask for the canter, you will feel a noticeable difference.  If he does try to put his head down to buck lift your hands straight up as though they are attached to the pole on a carousel horse, this will get his head up and stop the worst of his antics.  A martingale will not help you, they are designed to prevent a horse from lifting his head too high and will only work against you.  Sit deep in the saddle and ask for a halt through your seat once his head is up, this will refocus his mind away from bucking you off, a proper halt through the seat has an almost instinctual response from most horses.  To accomplish this halt, sit deep, suck in your abdominal muscles then lift upward with your thighs and push your thighs backward, this sounds weird, but trust me, it works.  Ask for more transitions and be sure he is balanced again before asking for the canter once more.  Good luck!

  4. It is normal for horses the ones i ride do it to. thats how most horses are trained is to put his head down in a canter. If you try to stop that it might confuse them. and them putting there head down in a canter helps them consentrate. and actually that helps them ballnce. Now the bucking some of mine do that too. when they buck usually is for them to gain there speed up quicker thats just what they do. BUT idont like them doing that either so every time they do it make them stop. ever time the buck make them stop and then they know thats not what there supposed to do and they learn pretty quick. once they buck and u have them stop. only wait a few seconds then have them canter again and when they dont buck praise and reward them. the horse usually dont buck to hurt u so dont be scared. Also it might be if your horse is the type to get spooked easy and you give it a tap to canter it might scare him so u might have to teach him how to canter when you say canter. or also if he is new to cantering he might just be trying to get a hang of it. hope this can help you. good luck

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